Denton Eagle Ridge fracking accident smells fishy

by TXsharon on April 24, 2013

in Denton, EagleRidge

More information and a video has surfaced from witnesses to the event. It sounds like this was a new well and not a workover of the older existing well.

Home video, personal story of Friday’s gas leak
By Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe
April 24, 2013

…She had left her daughter and newborn grandchild behind, only to learn later that the fire department came, banging on the door and telling them to leave.

“They told her not to turn on the lights or anything, just grab her purse and go,” Brewer said. “My daughter was so upset that she forgot to buckle the baby’s carrier into the cart seat.”

Does that sound terrifying to you?

Why can’t Denton residents find out what was happening?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Cathy McMullen April 24, 2013 at 9:08 pm

Nothing will change. People are not mad enough yet. Someone has to die to motivate people to the point of action. Where were the gas well inspectors? Why won’t anyone tell me what they were doing at the well site? No one is demanding to know what happen and the city is not telling us because they know people will forget and Eagle Ridge will keep poisoning us.


David April 25, 2013 at 9:04 pm

People are/will die but just like smoking it takes time. If their was an immediate body count then things would change. Because cause and effect are not immediate we in the gas patch are just acceptable collateral damage.


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