No Fracking Way

The Vera’s Day in Court Against the Fracking Gastapo

by Chip Northrup on October 27, 2014

Fractavist martyr Vera Scroggins goes to court to do battle with frackateer Cabot Energy and the Pennsylvania State Gastapo 

Vera goes back to Court, Wednesday, Oct 29th This is not her first court sessionhere are some photos of her last including frak flak Tom Shepstone and Cabot’s very own Peroxide Frack Ho.

Fracking Gastapo

Fracking Gastapo

Cabot Oil and Gas’ incredible arrogance will come to a head this Wednesday as they continue to harass 63 year old grandmother, Vera Scroggins. Vera has been leading tours of fracking sites, and filming the industry’s mistakes for over 6 years. They slapped her with an injunction, limiting her from traveling in over half of her home county, including public roads . . .

She needs support as she comes face to face with the industry. I invite folks to join me this Wednesday at the Montrose Court House, 9am

When: Wednesday, October 29th, 9am. Vera requested us to get there 15-30 minutes early.

Where: Montrose Court House, 105 Maple Street, Montrose Pennsylvania (about 30 mins south of Binghamton)

October 27, 2014
In Court Wednesday: Cabot Oil and Gas Trying To Impose Fines or Jail Time on Pennsylvania Anti-Fracking Activist and Bind Her to Terms of Proposed Settlement She Never Signed
WHAT:                 Court hearing of anti-fracking activist Vera Scroggins of Brackney, Pa. A court injunction bars Scroggins from active Cabot well sites and access roads, including a buffer zone around these areas. Cabot now claims – incorrectly – that Scroggins has violated the injunction. Additionally, Cabot is asking the court to enter as a permanent injunction a settlement proposal that Scroggins never signed. The proposal would maintain restrictions on Scroggins’s movements for the rest of her life.
WHEN:                 Wednesday, October 29, 9 a.m. EDT. Scroggins will be available to talk to reporters outside the courthouse immediately following the hearing.
WHO:                   Vera Scroggins, activist, and her legal team
WHERE:               Court of Common Pleas, Susquehanna County, 105 Maple Street, Montrose, Pa.  18801  –  570 278 4600
Vera Scroggins
Citizen Tour Guide and Activist


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Judy Morrash Muskauski October 27, 2014 at 10:30 am

Please tell Vera I’ll be praying she takes all of them DOWN! I very much wish I could be there but it’s physically impossible. I’ll be sharing this info and asking all if they can help by being
there to show their support.


Maggie Henry October 28, 2014 at 7:25 pm

Hope we can see a video like the first trial. That judge was a total bully and denied Vera’s right to have time to get a lawyer and then threatened her with paying Cabots fees to deny her the right to travel freely where she lives. Really? What happened to the America I learned about in school? Allthis woman has done is film the fracking devastation brought to her county by Cabot. Now she gets to pay for them totmenting her? Life in this deMOCKracy! I am cheering you on from over here next to Ohio. How I wish I could be there for you!


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