Republicans turn on committee chair

Greg Walden is shown. | AP Photo

In some ways, even Walden’s detractors know he’s getting a bum rap. | AP Photo

House Republicans are going to win seats next week, but there’s talk among lawmakers and top GOP aides that the campaign chief could — and should — lose his job.

Rep. Greg Walden, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, could face challenges from either Rep. Roger Williams, a Texas Republican, or Rep. Aaron Schock of Illinois. Both have sent signals they’re interested in a potential bid.

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Walden’s detractors say there’s no case to keep the Oregonian around. House Republicans have been consistently outraised by their Democratic counterparts, despite the GOP being in the majority. Their strategy and tactics have been called into question during the final weeks of campaigning. Pockets of the NRCC’s staff are deeply unhappy. And they are likely to fall short of their publicly proclaimed goal of winning nearly a dozen seats; Walden’s “Drive for 245” will have turned out to be nothing but a fundraising ploy.

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Walden’s many supporters — including Speaker John Boehner of Ohio — say the chairman was key in setting up an infrastructure to win the half-dozen to dozen seats Republicans anticipate they will pick up. Boehner’s staff says he’s still behind Walden, although sources on the speaker’s team are keenly aware of the frustration toward the NRCC.

“Chairman Walden is working tirelessly on behalf of our candidates. He’s a big reason why we’ve got an opportunity to win a larger House majority this November,” Cory Fritz, Boehner’s top political aide, said.

A number of Republicans have already begun positioning themselves for a post-Walden world — either by laying the groundwork to challenge him or setting up structures to run if Walden decides to forgo reelection.

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Williams, who is one of the party’s fundraisers, has been calling around D.C. during this election season, trying to build support for his candidacy. Schock has spent the past few weeks flying around the country in a private jet — staff in tow — to raise money and campaign for his House colleagues. Schock has been talking to lawmakers about a run for the chairmanship but is also interested in a statewide campaign for governor in Illinois.

If Walden decides against seeking another term, both Reps. Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia and Ann Wagner of Missouri would consider bids.

(Full 2014 election results)

Nothing angers the NRCC more than lawmakers mulling post-election leadership races during the campaign season. Andrea Bozek, a spokesman for the NRCC, said, “Chairman Walden is fully focused on electing Republican candidates on November 4th.”

“He is consistently out on the campaign trail helping candidates all across the country and appreciates how many of his colleagues are stepping up to help in very effective and positive ways,” Bozek added.

The decision about Walden’s future at the NRCC is largely up to Boehner, a strong ally. Boehner is close enough to Walden to nudge him in either direction. The danger for Walden is that lawmakers return to Washington, angry and tired from a bruising election season and want change. Boehner isn’t in danger of losing his job, nor is House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) or Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.). Walden could become a casualty.

Regardless of what happens with the NRCC, Walden has a bright future in the House Republican Conference. Next Congress, he will be the sixth-ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and he could easily be the powerful panel’s next chairman.

In some ways, even Walden’s detractors know he’s getting a bum rap. House and Senate Democrats have bludgeoned Republicans in fundraising partially because they have a powerful surrogate in President Barack Obama and a robust digital operation.

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