Aruba Petroleum supervisor comments on Texas Monthly article

by TXsharon on November 30, 2011

in Aruba, Uncategorized

This post needs little commentary because I have provided links to video proof.

Kasey Denson, aka Pinocchio, sent this letter of rebuttal to the Texas Monthly in response to “Here’s the Drill,” by Saul Elbein [October 2011] about Tim and Christine Ruggiero.

I would like to point out some crucial facts regarding the story about Tim and Christine Ruggiero. As the supervisor who oversaw the drilling of a gas well for Aruba Petroleum on their property, I can say with certainty that we did not leave their horses wandering around, as they have claimed; we penned them. In the following weeks and months, we also did everything we could to ensure the family’s safety and well-being: we built new fences, added rock to their road, laid a waterline to the pasture for their horses, and built a new shed—all actions that seem to have been conveniently left out of the story. Finally, I will note that I was not responsible for the offensive graffiti on their property, and in no way condone it. Ultimately this is a case of a family that is simply unhappy they did not buy the mineral rights to their land.
Kasey Denson,  Bowie

Oh brother! Here is my response:

I would like to respond to Kasey Denson’s response to your article “Here’s the Drill,” by Saul Elbein [October 2011]. That Mr. Denson does not have the good sense to crawl back into the woodwork where he belongs rather than commenting in public after the way he and his employer treated the Ruggieros is a testimony to the fact that the man has no sense. We already know plenty about his ethics.

All those things you mentioned, fence (that was put in the wrong place), shed (a small, cheaply made one), gravel that you never delivered and a water line have nothing to do with well-being. They are things that were only made necessary because you seized their property and intruded into their lives. To suggest that is ensuring safety and well-being is like amputating my leg to harvest bone marrow then expecting me to be grateful for the prosthesis you supplied.

As supervisor you blasted them with diesel exhaust for two months, installed a half-assed sound barrier, and violated the law repeatedly by failing to report your many leaks, spills and emissions. As the supervisor, you failed to have even a basic understanding of drilling regulations, and you demonstrated that on a daily basis. As supervisor, you were ‘supervising’ when your boys were shoveling toxic waste from your spill on the Ruggiero’s property on to their neighbor’s property until you noticed Christine videotaping the event.

I just want to add this FACT: the Ruggieros paid for the water line.

It is my understanding that Pinocchio decided to seek employment elsewhere.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Tracy November 30, 2011 at 11:48 am

Love it! Keep up the great work! I’m realizing how crooked these oil and gas companies are. And they’ll defend themselves even when their defense is absurd. I want them out of here. I’m tired of the majority having to suffer because of the benefit of a few.


Anonomous November 30, 2011 at 11:52 am

Just another example of the Big Gas Mafia in action—-“When their lips are moving, they are lieing”.


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