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The Opinion Pages

Katherine Streeter
Op-Ed Contributors

Weak Oversight, Deadly Cars

When an auto safety regulator doesn’t know he has subpoena power, consumers are in peril. comment icon Comments

Today's Editorials

Europe’s Ambitious Climate Goal

A plan to steeply cut greenhouse gas emissions is an important step forward and a signal to other nations to set some aggressive goals of their own. comment icon Comments


Toward Better Teachers

In a new book and an interview, the former head of the nation’s largest school system confronts teacher performance. comment icon Comments


ISIS and Vietnam

There are parallels between the war in Vietnam and the conflict now in Iraq and Syria that haven’t been fully explored. comment icon Comments


Nothing in Moderation

What if ordinary voters are even more extreme in their views than members of Congress? comment icon Comments

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Civil Rights at School

States and school districts are falling short of their legal obligation to provide children with equal resources regardless of race.


When Prosecutors Align on Guns

District attorneys from 30 cities have decided to band together to try to do something about relentless gun violence since Congress has failed miserably.


Ballot Measures for Nov. 4

The Times’s editorial board offers recommendations on some proposals in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

Opinionator | The Conversation

Political Infections

Brooks and Collins on conflicting responses to Ebola, the meaning of the midterms and the pleasure of voting for effective crooks.

Taking Note

Let the Internet Take On Cable

The chairman of the F.C.C. wants to allow Internet-based firms the same access to TV programming as cable and satellite companies.

Op-Ed Contributor

It’s Game Over for ‘Gamers’

Gaming offers a wonderful variety of experience to a diverse audience. It’s no longer just a boys’ club. comment icon Comments

Opinionator | Disunion

Killing Bloody Bill

The death of the Confederate guerrilla leader William Anderson and the shaping of Civil War memory.


How We Misread Renée’s Face

The actress's new look has received merciless scrutiny. But beauty resides in charm, not physical features. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Enslaved Abroad, Oppressed at Home

Although many people in Bangladesh would deny it, we practice our own form of slavery. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Taking Back Hong Kong's Future

The young protesters want what everybody else in an advanced society seems to have: a say in how we are governed.


The Persecution of the Rohingya

Myanmar's government is waging a brutal campaign to expel the Muslim minority.


Ending ‘Poorism’ in Kenya

Poverty tourism has many critics, but people like the rapper Octopizzo insist that it has positive aspects.

Op-Ed Contributor

A Town Shouldn’t Fight the Islamic State Alone

A commander of the resistance in Kobani, Syria, on what the town needs in order to fend off an assault by militants.

Room for Debate

Bullies Outside the Classroom

Should schools regulate the off-campus, online behavior of their students?


Taylor Swift’s Unwelcome P.R. Campaign

The singer has been named a Global Welcome Ambassador for New York, but to many, her depiction of the city is neither accurate nor enticing.

Taking Note

On Cuba Embargo, It’s the U.S. and Israel Against the World — Again.

Only Israel sided with the United States in voting to continue sanctions against Cuba.

Op-Ed Contributor

Don’t Forget About AIDS

Are victories for gay marriage obscuring the challenge of H.I.V.? comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

London’s Housing Boom

The old East End has had such a glittering makeover that only the glitterati can afford it. comment icon Comments

Opinionator | Couch

My Mother’s Psychotherapy — and Mine

Her relationship with her treatment nearly killed her. How would I fare?

Opinionator | The Stone

Dreamboat Vampires and Zombie Capitalists

The undead may best express our anxieties about capitalism: legions of mindless, soulless consumers who sustain its endless production.

Opinionator | Menagerie

A Tale of Two Primates

What was the world’s oldest captive gorilla saying when he held my hand, or when his eyes looked into my own?

Massa at his birthday party at the Philadelphia Zoo in Dec. 1984. He died later that day.

‘San Quentin’s Giants’

At one of California’s most notorious prisons, baseball teams take the field. comment icon Comments

Taking Note

The Editorial Page Editor's Blog

Ed Gillespie’s Redskins Hail Mary

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