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An intercepted email from the California Independent Petroleum Association shows what the fracking industry has planned for Bakersfield, California residents who show up for a Gasland II screening Saturday evening.

The May 3rd screening hosted by Clean Water Action, the Sierra Club of Kern and Earthworks at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2216 17th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301, starts at 5 pm.  But, according to the email below, industry plans to fill the church to capacity early so locals won't have seats.

From: Blair Knox
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 3:54 PM
To: Fred Holmes
Subject: FW: Gasland 2 Showing

Fred – When I spoke at the AESC meeting your membership asked how they can be involved. Here is an opportunity that is coming up fast that we could use some help.

There will be a showing of Gasland 2 here in Bakersfield on Saturday, May 3rd. This is being sponsored by a few of the activist groups who have been vocally opposed to oil production and are calling for a ban. We are quietly looking to fill the seats with pro-industry people. We will have our campaign team there to answer questions, pass out information, etc. The goal is to inform, not be confrontational. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have a big contingent there to show our strength in Kern.

Can you pass this along to the AESC membership and friends. No need to RSVP. Just show up.

What:, the Sierra Club of Kern and  are hosting a screening of Gasland 2.

When: Saturday, May 3, 2014 5 – 8pm

Where: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2216 17th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301

Any questions just give me a call.

Blair Knox
Director of Regional Affairs
California Independent Petroleum Association
1200 Discovery Drive #100
Bakersfield, CA 93309
(661) 395-5287 Office
(661) 868-9208 Mobile

The fracking industry has Kern in their sites and they will do anything to keep the local residents in the dark about the harm fracking brings to a community.

Please pass this along.

Originally posted to TXsharon on Wed Apr 30, 2014 at 07:54 PM PDT.

Also republished by California politics, DK GreenRoots, and Community Rights Movement.

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