Fraternity raises money for United Service Organizations with pumpkins

By on October 28, 2014

Kaleigh Gremaud / Intern Writer

Fraternity Phi Gamma Delta is partnering with Phi Kappa Sigma in the third annual United Service Organizations fundraiser.

The fundraiser, which started today and continues 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. tomorrow, consists of 11 pumpkins decorated and donated by sororities, fraternities and other groups that students and faculty vote for with donations.

“I think it’s a good way to get the community involved,” marketing freshman Edgar Arias said. “You put something in and give something to those who give to us.”

USO is a nonprofit organization that supports U.S. soldiers in any way possible.

Political science senior Erik Shockey said USO provided for a basketball event on a ship overseas, for example.

“They do things to help boost morale of troops overseas,” Shockey said.

People vote for their favorite pumpkin by donating whatever amount of money they wish to that specific pumpkin. There is no limit to how many pumpkins someone can vote on. The pumpkin that raises the most amount of money wins the competition.

Advertising sophomore Brendan Sullivan picked a pumpkin decorated in red, white and blue.

“The American Flag pumpkin is my favorite,” Sullivan said. “We’re doing this for USO, and it’s the only one that supports the theme.”

Some pumpkins even looked like animals.

“The white pumpkin is my favorite,” Arias said. “It looks like an owl.”

Shockey said every year they get a good response from students donating and this year seems to be pretty good as well.


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