No Fracking Way

Celebrity Frack Ho vs Vera Scroggins

by Chip Northrup on October 28, 2014

The Fracksylvania Fracking Gastapo (ie. the judiciary and State Police) are in cahoots with the frackers to persecute fractavist videographer Vera Scroggins. Here is a copy of Cabot’s complaint against her – for being “caught” with a camera on a county road patrolled by the State Gastapo. Cabot vs Vera Scroggins

The complaint was drafted by the firm of Dewey, Frackham & Howe, and signed by Cabot’s public spokesperson on the case, the tastefully peroxided Amy “Evita” Barette, shown below giving interviews at a press conference outside the courthouse, accompanied by celebrity gashole Tom Shepstone.

The stylishly understated Ms. Barette (rhymes with barrette) will put in a guest appearance at Vera’s trial tomorrow. Will she be wearing Marcellus gray or Bakken brown as she publicly berates a 63 year old grandmother for standing on public property with a video camera ? Tune in tomorrow for a full fracking update.

Ms. Barette Prepares For Trial

Mme. Sans Barette Au Fait Apre Fracc’ing 


Fracking Nemesis #1

Fractavist Granny Vera Threatens Frackers With Camera 












In Court Wednesday: Cabot Oil and Gas Trying To Impose Fines or Jail Time on Pennsylvania Anti-Fracking Activist and Bind Her to Terms of Proposed Settlement She Never Signed

WHAT:                 Court hearing of anti-fracking activist Vera Scroggins of Brackney, Pa. A court injunction bars Scroggins from active Cabot well sites and access roads, including a buffer zone around these areas. Cabot now claims – incorrectly – that Scroggins has violated the injunction. Additionally, Cabot is asking the court to enter as a permanent injunction a settlement proposal that Scroggins never signed. The proposal would maintain restrictions on Scroggins’s movements for the rest of her life.
WHEN:                 Wednesday, October 29, 9 a.m. EDT. Scroggins will be available to talk to reporters outside the courthouse immediately following the hearing.
WHO:                   Vera Scroggins, activist, and her legal team
WHERE:               Court of Common Pleas, Susquehanna County, 105 Maple Street, Montrose, Pa.  18801  –  570 278 4600
Vera Scroggins
Citizen Tour Guide and Activist

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