No Fracking Way

Help Catch Fracking Scofflaws

by Chip Northrup on April 13, 2014

Help fix Frank Finan’s infrared camera so  that he can go on taking videos of toxic gas venting that the frackers say don’t exist – unless they are caught on Frank’s infrared camera. Why do the frackers claim to not be venting ? Because before they put the gas into a line, they  have to get rid of the bad stuff – the radon, benzene, toluene, etc. which gases people nearby.  Some of it won’t burn, so it’s easier to just vent it – and hope that Frank is not around. Texas Sharon has written extensively on the use of IR cameras to catch fracking scofflaws (is there any other kind ?)

Here’s an appeal from The Calvin:

Frank Finan, who was featured Gasland Part 2 for spending a significant amount of money to purchase a GasFindIR camera, needs to spend over $ 20,000.00 on repairs for the camera.  Frank has helped people around the US, and has never asked for anything in return.  We would like to help Frank with a small token of our appreciation.  He does have insurance, which will cover some of the cost, but there will certainly be some expense that Frank will have to pay to make the camera operational.  This technology has been a game changer in showing the hazards associated with oil and gas development.  Therefore, I am asking for your help.  No donation is to small.  Please see the link below for more details.

Click here to help Frank

If that doesn’t work, you can cut and paste the link below:

Here’s what a gas facility looks like venting gas – with and without an IR camera:

Video shows Chesapeake gas wells leaking VOCs in neighborhood

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