If Ebola House Is Funny, Why Not Breast Cancer House? C'mon! Lighten up!

Categories: Schutze

I'm just trying to think of other ways to make body bags funny.

It has taken me a long while -- I was slow -- but I guess now I sort of get why some people think the "Ebola House" is funny. Sort of. Still working on it.

Decorated for Halloween as an Ebola disaster area and located in a rich part of Dallas called "The Park Cities," the Ebola House strikes some people as funny because Ebola is such an exotic, distant, far-fetched phenomenon.

It's OK to make fun of Ebola in the Park Cities area of Dallas because something about Ebola itself is funny -- the faraway places it comes from, perhaps, or the kind of people who get it. Something. Still trying to put my finger on the real joke.

And by the way, for a really good look at those places and those people, see "Ebola Outbreak," a Frontline special on PBS. But right now Halloween is upon us, and if the Park Cites area is famous for one thing it's parties. I want to try to keep things in that light-hearted Park Cities party mood.

See also: "Ebola House Update"

I do understand one reason Ebola House is funny is because bad taste is funny. And in keeping with the funny Park Cities party spirit, I just want to make sure my taste is as bad as the next guy's. The one nice thing about truly bad taste: it's all fair game, right? No fair jumping on me for it if the Ebola House guy gets a pass.

I am trying to think about other Halloween house and party themes that might work in the Park Cities, other ways people could trick out their houses and yards to get a laugh. My only concern is about missing the mark on funny. Some of my ideas simply may not work. One reason for running them by you, in fact, is my hope that you will warn me if some of them are not as funny as Ebola House. This way we all learn together and just have a darned good time in the meantime.

So let's do this thing! I was thinking maybe one of the houses neighboring the Ebola House could turn itself into Breast Cancer House. They could have all kinds of scary zombie-looking female figures hanging from the trees and lying under bushes dressed in bloody hospital smocks. Seems like there ought to be a raucous Halloweeny mammogram joke in there somewhere.

Well, not to leave the guys out, what about Prostate Cancer House? You know, do some scarecrow-looking manikins holding their groins like they just took a line drive where the sun don't shine. That could be hilarious, right? Groin holding is always good for a laugh.

I wish there were a way to bring it closer to home for the Park Cities people, but it's hard to do, because they are such a healthy good-looking lot. Maybe that's part of the issue here. Maybe they're so healthy and happy that the whole idea of human suffering just seems like a giggle to them.

Hmm, let's think. Park Cities. Giggles. Is there anything about Park Cities people that makes us giggle? Oh, wait! I got it! Bad Plastic Surgery House! Talk about a rich white people's theme.

The possibilities are almost endless. In fact, if somebody did a Bad Plastic Surgery House for Halloween in the Park Cities, I don't think they'd need manikins. Just invite the neighbors!

You know how old people can make themselves look really scary at night just by shining a flashlight right up under their own chins? You could have a whole bunch of old rich white Park Cities people staggering around the yard in fancy clothes with flashlights up under their chins, sneaking up behind the kids and saying, "Faaabulous" in a low growly voice.

The staggering would be easy, too, if you did it after 10 p.m. Oh, man, in fact now that's got the wheels turning in another direction. Alcoholism House! Think what you could do with that one in the Park Cities. You could dress up somebody's SUV like a nuthouse van and have two guys in white suits come take the dad away while the children all stand on the lawn and sob. I can't stop laughing just thinking about it!

I bet some really creative person who's even funnier than I am could find a way to put all of those themes together kind of like a Halloween Park Cities theme park: Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Bad Plastic Surgery, Alcoholism House. Otherwise known as, "Hi, Mom, we're home!"

Well, you know, it's always the wannabe like me, the johnny-come-lately to the party who overdoes it and never gets the real joke, so let me know how I did here, and don't pull any punches. As I say, I'm still trying to figure it out. If it's funny for entire villages in Africa to die of a ravaging disease, I just want in on everything else that's funny, too.

Still thinking. Still thinking. Liberal House? Oh, man, that could be the best one!

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TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

It occurred to me that over the years, many of the haunted houses that I've been thru have had a "creepy mental institution" theme of one sort or another.

LOL. Mental illness in hi-larious!

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Just when you thought "Bad Taste" had hit the floor, some moron comes along and lowers the floor even more.

If there is something funny about Ebola, then Bubonic Plague must have been knee-slapping hysterical. 

This is different than the unfunny school-yard joke about the Helen Keller wind-up doll that walks into walls.  People are dying from Ebola, and it could threaten to turn into a pandemic and kill hundreds or thousands - especially children and pregnant women.

Somebody needs to give this clown a funny-bone transplant or a new brain.  


It's easy to make fun of things that seem detached, unrelated. So in the spirit of things, given that Ebola happened just on the other side of 75, how about something that's even more unlikely than contracting Ebola in Park Cities--that's right, woudn't it be funny if a Park Cities resident went full-on black face?

I know, I know, black face is so...last century Park Cities. But seriously, you'll see a Yeti riding a fucking unicorn before you see a black family in Park Cities. Yes, I realize that black face is un-PC (as in "politically correct," not un-Park Cities, wink wink).

Of course, since it is Park Cities they would have to be respectable black. So Cosby sweaters all around.


I agree with your logic although I think you underplayed the point.  Cancer has been around for ages and while we are fearful of it, we also accept it as a part of life... even for rich people.  Ebola is something new but distant, affecting a small minority (to the park cities and "lighten up" crowd).  The argument behind the lighten up is that it is ok to have murder scenes and death associated with Halloween, so what is the issue with Ebola and Ebola hysteria???  While I agree the hysteria is absurd, I don't feel that downplaying the true epidemic is sensitive or at all tasteful.  But as you said, if lake of taste is ok... I was thinking that a more fitting "bad taste" hilarious house concept would be a school shooting house.  Its a new issue but yet still distant... it's just murder and death like everything else... like Ebola...right?  A lawn scattered with empty school desks, police tape and a single shooter searching for victims...

The Ebola house (and the school shooting house for that matter) aren't sci-fi, horror, all in good fun concepts... the issues behind them are real problems that require appropriate, non-dismissive and beneficial attention

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Looks like Australia is the latest to give into panic with mandatory quarantine and travel restrictions. But stingrays are permitted, go figger.


How about a "Children With Cancer" house? Full of little bald manikins holding dolls and tow trucks? Ha.......funny...... 


Maybe I missed something but my take is that "Ebola House" is political satire considering that the only reason there are any Ebola cases at all in the US is that President Obama and his administration brought them here deliberately by refusing to secure our borders.

I suppose that there could also be an "HEV68 House" because of the many hundreds of American Children that are being infected with this mystery disease spread through out America by the President's embrace of thousands of "unaccompanied minors" from Mexico and points south.

I do however agree with you Jim, it isn't funny at all.


Jim, you and others are missing some context. A lot of us who live in UP and HP were appalled by the swivel-eyed hysterics of some of our neighbors (and in my case, relatives) who, among other things, pulled their children out of Armstrong Elementary for several days because they were afraid Craig Jenkins' kids would give their kids Ebola. You should have seen some of the Facebook conversations. Each comment was more paranoid than the one before, as if these ladies (and yes, they were almost all women) were trying to out-crazy each other. Anyone trying to inject reason into a conversation was hounded by outraged moms who questioned their devotion to "the children". For a couple of weeks, much of the community was seized with what can only be called Ebola Derangement Syndrome. There is no cure.

Anything that mocks, belittles and shames these people is worthwhile. Including the Ebloa House.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Crazy people don't know they're crazy, so they don't find such displays offensive.


Please tell me Catbird doesn't really believe the things Catbird says. I'll sleep better tonight. I need this!!!

mavdog topcommenter


yes, you are right, you have "missed something".

"missed a lot" might be more apropos

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Ah for the old days of Reagan/Alzheimer's jokes and GW Bush death fantasies, when folks could lighten up a bit.

JimSX topcommenter


Hey. I did miss that. Completely. Know what? In that light, Ebola House is hilarious. It's making fun of  Park Cities Nervous Nellies, not Ebolsters. Right? Are you sure this isn't just some ingenious scheme you have devised to make me look doltish? 'Cause I think it's working.

bmarvel topcommenter

@Neal_K Park Cities is ground zero for Moronic Plague?

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


I'm certain that there's a White Knight with a pen, somewhere, ready to take up the cause and be offended for them by proxy. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog @noblefurrtexas It doesn't matter who she was there with....if she was there at all.  Any association with the CDC, and the confirmed association with Al Sharpton AND The White House, makes this look like a setup to excuse Obama's absurd stance on quarantines. 

One of the problems with the Obama Administration is that we never know when they're telling the truth.  And, this woman acts like another Sandra Fluke.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It's not a virus, it's a civil-rights issue. This woman's reproductive rights are threatened by a vast right-wing overreaction to a junior-varsity infection.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@dingo @fred.garvin.mp.713 There's either a black family in UP at the corner of Lovers Lane and Douglas, or there's an ongoing home invasion in very slow motion. 

If I'm not mistaken, most of those houses are rentals, but still very nice.

A friend of mine who lives in that neighborhood says there is also a black doctor and his family living somewhere in UP. 



Catbird is one of the reasons "mental illness house" isn't funny...

bmarvel topcommenter

@mavdog @Catbird Wait. This is a new wrinkle: The President being blamed for the spread of the D68 virus. I don't believe anyone else has come up with that one, yet. We'll have to award Catbird on the basis of originality, even though the virus has shown up mostly in the Midwest, rather than in border states where one might expect it if the vector really were "unaccompanied minors from Mexico and points south.

bmarvel topcommenter

@JimSX @Neal_K I think it's at least possible Jim, that the house is not making fun of victims of Ebola but, in its own clumsy way, making fun of the victims of Ebolasteria.

I could have that wrong. I'm not a pundit. But it's worth considering

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The occupy movement was a great show of solidarity to the mentally ill, but they didn't and still don't know it.

Oddly enough.

mavdog topcommenter


I'll paraphrase your post:

The facts and reality do not matter, don't bother me with these as all they do is get in the way of my conspiracy fabrications!

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The reason all her CDC and dem party affiliations disappeared from the web was a massive, simultaneous and coincidental crashing of thousands of hard drives across the globe - the same drives the faulty, deadly CDC ebola instruction poster PDF and select IRS files resided on.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki You wouldn't believe how many people on the net have compared this setup to the Fluke setup. 

These people can't do anything honestly.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I blame the video

JimSX topcommenter

@bmarvel @JimSX @Neal_K

So I guess you want me to give RTGolden1 a big old wet smoochie-woochie, eh? NOT GONNA HAPPEN. ME RIGHT HIM WRONG. FOREVER!

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog Actually, the conspiracy charge wasn't mine; it came from a friend in the media who is a former Democrat who doesn't trust Obama at all. 

If this woman worked for the CDC in its Intelligence Division, and if her lawyer is who she says it is. that's a huge pile of interesting coincidences....is it not?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I love it.  LOL

I thought about using the dead computer drive with the IRS.  But, my lawyer assured me I wouldn't have a computer in prison. 

mavdog topcommenter


hmm, how did they get Gov. Chrisite and Belleview Hospital to participate in "this setup"?

and Doctors Without Borders!

they must be in cahoots with the Obama White House, too! [/sarcasm]


@Jim: fair enough, just no tongue. There might be dentures involved. You've been forewarned.

JimSX topcommenter

@bmarvel @Neal_K

Sorry, but I just ran this by my intellectual and journalistic mentor, Dallas Observer Managing Editor Patrick Williams, who said, "It's Halloween decorations on some douchebag's house in the Park Cities, Jim. There's not going to be a big nuanced meaning in it. It's E-BOO-la." So I withdraw my self-doubts and reject all arguments and explanations but my own, which would be ...

...would be ...working on it.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


As the Official Tea Party spokesperson, I feel compelled to remind that the party, as it were, fields candidates and wins elections. Occupy, not so much.

Although, the creator and leader of the movement, Squaw Warren, may be the next dem presidential candidate.

mavdog topcommenter


Actually, the conspiracy charge wasn't mine;

I see, you put forth the "conspiracy charge" several times, make comments on its validity, but "the conspiracy charge wasn't mine".

uh huh.

If this woman worked for the CDC in its Intelligence Division, and if her lawyer is who she says it is. that's a huge pile of interesting coincidences....is it not?

no, it's not.

she works in the medical field, enrolled in the CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service (that is not an "Intelligence Division" BTW) to receive more training, and used that training to assist Doctors Without Borders with their program in Africa.

She is a person who should be honored for her service, not derided by those who want to see a conspiracy behind every door.

mavdog topcommenter


au contraire Bill, they're advancing it.

true believers...


@JimSX  In this world of nuanced communication, misleading motives and sheer craziness I too ask for a reality check from a trusted individual.  I think it shows a desire to hold on to what little sanity we are being allowed today.

bmarvel topcommenter

@JimSX Figures you'd have to asklan editor what to think.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


There was a likely negative reaction to "Ring Around the Rosie" too.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@JimSX how much had Patrick had to drink when you asked?  If it was anything less than a fifth, he's not to be trusted.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Are you trying to argue the point that fielding candidates and winning elections indicates some sort of collective mental stability?


noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog Great.  What is she doing with a lawyer who is buds with Al Sharpton and has worked with him, and who also has been a visitor to the White House?

But, you seem to be saying you have in good authority that she has never worked for the CDC; Yes?

I find it most interesting that this also coincides with the President's objection to Gov. Christie's mandatory quarantine.

So, if she doesn't work for the CDC.  Who does she work for, and is it full-time employment?  It's not Doctors Without Borders.

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