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LITTLETON, N.C. — IN big cities and small towns around the United States, people are embracing local agriculture, flocking to farmers’ markets and flocking to “locavore” restaurants, reaping a wide range of nutritional, environmental and economic benefits. Yet one segment of the population is largely missing out on this bounty: the millions of members of the American military and their families.

While some service members live off base and buy their food in local stores, most get their food through the military, either directly, by eating at mess halls, or through on-base commissaries. The military maintains a multibillion-dollar system to keep its larders stocked. And almost all that food is bought in vast quantities from enormous agribusiness operations, with little attention paid to where and how it was grown, or how fresh it is.

During my time in Congress, from 1992 to 2003, several colleagues and I set out on a fairly simple mission: providing small- and mid-scale farmers, who represent the backbone of rural America, with the opportunity to supply our country’s military. This proved challenging. Obstacles included price pressures, which were not surprising, given the economies of scale realized by large farms, which also could work more easily with the military bureaucracy.

There were also requirements that all fruits and vegetables meet “uniformity” standards, meaning the wonderful variety in shapes and sizes you find in farmers’ markets, and often on small- and mid-scale farms, was not allowed.

While our efforts to open the door to smaller, more local producers didn’t go anywhere at the time, we are in a different place now than we were 11 years ago. Local farming and the mechanisms for getting its products to consumers have expanded significantly.

That’s why Congress and the Department of Defense should tackle this issue anew by mandating that a percentage — even if it is just 5 or 10 percent — of a base’s food come from local small- and mid-scale farmers.

Doing so would be a boon for everyone. Given the tens of thousands of people who live and work on the average base, even a small share of that market would be a huge benefit for local farmers and military families.

The military would benefit as well. There has been an increase in the number of service members who are deemed too heavy to serve. In response, the military has embarked on what it calls the Healthy Base Initiative, aimed at “increasing the health and wellness of the total force, including civilians and family members” because a “healthy and fit force is essential to national security.”

In North Carolina, Fort Bragg is participating in the initiative, and Camp Lejeune has begun a weekly farmers’ market. But the military should think even more creatively. Consider this: Most bases are in rural areas, but many are now being encroached upon by sprawling commercial and residential development, presenting obvious safety and security risks. The military could give financial incentives to small- and mid-scale farmers to buy land adjacent to bases, perhaps by promising to buy a certain percentage of their produce.

The military should also loosen its food-uniformity standards. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, 40 percent of our food goes uneaten, a large portion of that because of aesthetic or size irregularities. Since a good deal of the military’s produce is cut, chopped and cooked, blemishes or irregular shapes and sizes don’t matter. If farmers were paid for these products, it would help their bottom lines and help them keep their farms, while also addressing the issue of food waste. And for the military, the lower price of less-than-perfect-looking food from local farms might help offset the additional cost associated with purchasing local products.

The military doesn’t have to do this alone. Every state has agricultural organizations and agencies that promote local farmers; partnering with them would allow the military to take advantage of their expertise and connections. In my home state of North Carolina, they include the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, the Eastern Region Military Growth Task Force and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. On the national level, it includes the Department of Agriculture.

The military represents one of the single largest markets for food in the country. If we can open the door just a little to small- and mid-scale food producers, we can do worlds of good for everyone: the farmers, the consumers and the military itself.