
As CIO for the Government of Puerto Rico and in conjunction with key CIO’s from local government agencies, we represent a young breed of experts looking to establish a new vision on how technology can be implemented and designed to scale as a new government platform.

We believe that technology must be leveraged to directly influence government agility and economic development strategies.

Giancarlo Gonzalez, Chief Information Officer Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

The 2014 Fellowship in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has 15% unemployment and a strong trend of young, bright minds leaving for the mainland. There are, however, 50 state-sponsored incentives to try to encourage business owners and entrepreneurs to stay, invest, and grow in Puerto Rico.

The 2014 Fellows have found that although the incentives themselves were appealing, many people were under-informed or confused about taking advantage of them. Their project aims to serve entrepreneurs and small business owners that don’t know what support is available to them to start, or grow their business in Puerto Rico.

To address these problems, the 2014 Fellowship team have built PrimerPeso as a way to help our users find, identify, and apply for incentives and resources that they are qualified for and that will help them start or grow their business.

They are also working on Negocio123, a practical guide in Spanish with steps and requirements of each governing agency to incorporate a business. Check out the Fellows' mid-year update to learn more.

Meet the team:

  • Maksim Pecherskiy

    Puerto Rico Team

    Maksim is a backend and mobile developer/architect who loves designing and building RESTful web services, complex integrations and apps that use them. Beyond the computer, he loves to travel with his girlfriend, Amy, and their zoo of two dogs and two cats. Maksim holds a B.S. in Information Systems…


  • Ainsley Wagoner

    Puerto Rico Team

    Ainsley is a visual and user experience designer from Lexington, Kentucky. She has a degree in Architecture from the University of Kentucky where she studied installation architecture and methods for the display of contemporary art. She is interested in how design thinking affects the end user, color, pattern ...


  • Clara Gonzalez-Sueyro

    Puerto Rico Team

    Clara is a design researcher with a degree in Social Anthropology from The University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Recently Clara led a project to help foster care youth to better transition into adult life through peer-to-peer networking. She led two web startups as product ...



Team Leads: Giancarlo Gonzalez, Chief Information Officer
Community Partners: Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO), Puerto Rico Science & Technology Trust

Follow the fellows' progress on their blog Coqui Coders

Contribute to PrimerPeso on Github and Negocio123 on Github.

Articles & video