Tal Mor Plus


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DoP | Director | Editor
I'm a full time business software consultant. But my passion is for film & photography. I like to learn the different aspects of film-making: cinematography, directing, editing, special effects in hope to make it my full time occupation in the future. I'm learning a lot by myself, following filmmakers blogs & online resources. Trying to get more & more technical. As Robert Rodriguez said: "If you’re creative and technical, you’re unstoppable.


  1. Fabien Benzaquen
  2. Indy Hait
  3. Vashi Nedomansky
  4. John Painz
  5. Michael Bay Dot Com
  6. Tom Antos
  7. James W Griffiths
  8. Rob McLellan
  9. Plot Point Productions
  10. kogonada
  11. Mathias Möhl
  12. bildpiloten
  13. Seth Worley
  14. robert mcintosh
  15. Itay sikolski
  16. Alex Covo
  17. Philip Bloom Reviews & Tutorials
  18. Le Matos

+ See all 34