Sean Coker Staff

New York

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User Bio

Professional Dots player. Avid milk and cookie eater, and orange juice drinker. Not at the same time though. That curdles.

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  1. Christine Amorose
  2. Marc Van Olmen
  3. Alena Amano
  4. Rob Huebner
  5. Michael Lowin
  6. Mackenzie Clark
  7. Anjali Sud
  8. Damon Mok
  9. Nettie
  10. Tom Berger
  11. Ruchita Sarawgi
  12. Jane Kim
  13. Liz Noonan
  14. Facebook
  15. Jessica Casano-Antonellis
  16. Bill Bergen
  17. SparkFun
  18. Kevin Sweeney

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