Can Staff


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A recent transplant from PNW to NYC, I watch soccer, eat (and try to cook) good food, drink coffee (and wine), ride my bike and read. I do most of those (minus the soccer bit) with my lovely wife. Oh and I try and build great partnerships for Vimeo.


  1. Drama İstanbul
  2. RunKeeper
  3. Seth Haley
  4. Tesla Motors
  5. Michael Constantiner
  6. Elitza Daskalova
  7. Di Wu Wen
  8. alana zeitchik
  9. Sean Coker
  10. Lee Brine
  11. Tamara Hilmes
  12. Aaron Hedges
  13. Celeste Pollicino
  14. Jeremy Boxer
  15. Courtney Horwitz
  16. Jordan McGarry
  17. Jessica Casano-Antonellis
  18. Jake Oliver

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