This spring, the incredibly incredible video distribution platform Vimeo On Demand (VOD) hit computers for the first time ever in the history of the universe. Since then, Vimeo PRO members have been selling their masterpieces directly to viewers and earning cold hard cash from people who love cold hard independent masterpieces.

Like a fine wine or pungent cheese, Vimeo On Demand is only getting better with age. Starting today, we’re giving filmmaker-purveyors even more options for distributing their work. So inhale those tannins, along with what’s new:

Rent or buy, the limit is the sky
Viewers can now rent (stream only) or buy (stream and download) work through Vimeo On Demand, at separate prices. Because options are good.

Now accepting preorders
Creators can build hype (and count those cash chickens before they hatch) by making work available for preorder.

More advanced stats
Because “advanced” on its own just wasn’t cutting it. When you log in to your PRO account to view your Stats, you’ll see a freshly integrated Stats dashboard.

And there’s a ton more mixed into the VOD terroir, including a new and improved checkout experience and promo codes, to help serve up the perfect work to its perfect audience. We just want everything to be perfect, ok?

So bring up your finest vintage video from the cellar (or, like, from your computer) and start selling it on VOD today. Or, if you’re more the viewing type, start purchasing. Those gigantic piles of money aren’t going to spend themselves.

+ More from the Staff Blog Archive




The vision is coming true! I see way more in your future, Vimeo. Nice stuff here!

Thom Ekers

Thom Ekers

Hi, I just wanted you to check out this short animated film I have made with puppets! It is called The West Factory Rebellion.

It has been in two festivals here in the UK including the BFI and The Little Angel Theatre (the home of British puppetry).

I really hope you enjoy it :)


Sam Morrill

Sam Morrill Staff

Hi, Thom. Please don't use the comments section on the blog to promote videos unrelated to post above. Thanks.

Thom Ekers

Thom Ekers

Sorry, I was encouraged to share my work like this by staff only last week and it was the first time I had done so! Have the rules changed or are some staff members simply more forgiving than others?

I did not mean any harm and my film is non-commercial. Is this not an all purpose blog post? Am I not allowed to "bring my finest vintage video from the cellar" :)

umfanjana Films

umfanjana Films

The comments section is for comments pertaining to a video or subject matter, not a promotional platform. Rather add your video to other Vimeo groups and channels.

Thom Ekers

Thom Ekers

It was my understanding that 'promotional' implied a commercial purpose. I am in no way asking for money and as far as I was aware, sharing is encouraged on Vimeo. I did not think there were explicit guidelines to say otherwise, though if there are I'd be happy if you were to point them out to me :)

As I said, the last time I did this a staff member supported the "promotion". So I am hearing differing opinions here from two different staff members and after looking through the Vimeo guidelines I can't see ANYTHING to say what I am doing is wrong. So I am finding it hard to know the fact of the matter.

I do feel a little ganged up on... without pointing fingers there is quite clearly another person in this comment section who has used this for promotion and he has also had support from a different staff member. If I had subtly mentioned Vimeo on Demand would it have been allowed? I just want to be honest and direct about this. My intentions are not malicious :)

Sam Morrill

Sam Morrill Staff

Hi Thom, all that we ask is that you keep your comments on the blog relevant to the topic above. While I'm not familiar with the interaction you had with another member of our staff, I'm happy to go on the record here and say that the comments section on all of our blog posts is meant to continue and supplement the conversation in the original post. In other words, the comments section is not meant to be used as a promotional platform for one's videos (unless otherwise noted in the blog post itself.)

I'm sorry if you feel ganged up upon. That was never the intent. Please just keep this in mind going forward.

Glen Mulcahy

Glen Mulcahy PRO

A clever and exciting development -but it is Vimeo after all! ;)

Augustin Pictures

Augustin Pictures Plus

is the video people can download in any way protected like on iTunes or could anyone just copy and reproduce it then?

Fookdat Productions

Fookdat Productions Plus

@Augustin Pictures : in this day and age if your work gets copied and reproduced, then you must for sure be privileged of having made something beyond awesome.

Augustin Pictures

Augustin Pictures Plus

Thank you and I keep trying doing that but it's still a shame seeing a lot of your footage floating around on the web that has no reference to the creator and I don't like watermarking my films.

Gemini Pictures

Gemini Pictures Plus

Trouble is djnomore, privileged doesn't pay the bills and doesn't help pay for any more future content from creators, and when your work is copied those that have paid for it (because they realise that making a film is not a cheap operation ) feel short changed. Its a lose, lose situation, not a privilege.

Gary Huff

Gary Huff Plus

You can have all the protections in the world, but if no one cares to see your work in the first place, then your bank account still reads the same.

Pilchard Productions

Pilchard Productions PRO

Good question Augustin keen to find the answer to that myself! Will make a big influence for me whether to go itunes or VOD for distribution... Plus

You're pushing Graceful Aging in the right direction. Aging well means planning well.

Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion

Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion PRO

Thank you for this great update. One step closer in the direction of perfection. There is an improvement which you should consider as well as I'm sure it would be appreciated very much by Vimeo on Demand users/buyers:
People not registered with Vimeo should be able to buy/watch films as well by just filling in their Credit Card infos. This would extremely widen the number of possible viewers/customers who are just interested in watching the film but are not willing to take the whole registration process. We had several people interested in our films who told us, that they haven't been willing to overcome this little obstacle called registration...
If they would use VOD on a regular basis, I'm sure that after some time they would as well register automatically to Vimeo... should leave it up to them I think.

Thank you for your great work.

Chris Diken

Chris Diken Staff

Thanks for your feedback!

While we are generally into letting people make decisions for themselves, in this case we are following an industry best practice, as most if not all of the other major providers (iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, etc.) require you to have an account before you can purchase.

Fly Rod

Fly Rod Plus

DV above is on the money! The requirement for registration by casual viewers is a GREAT impediment. I would already be a pro member and using this service except for this problem. Itunes, Amazon and yes even Netflix offer much more than independent films to the general public. They can get away with forced registration although it hurts their traffic as well.

Vimeo has the opportunity to stand above the aforementioned corporations and not behind them. You are standing on the wrong side of an issue which matters much more to your business then theirs. Try it out for a year and give DV and myself .01% of your increase in Pro registration income.

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Sorry, but there are a lot of technical issues with allowing people to purchase videos with no account. We need users to have an account to track their purchases and make the videos available to them on multiple platforms. At the end of the day, it's to the viewers benefit to have a Vimeo account when using VOD.

Gabriel Shalom

Gabriel Shalom Plus

Matt - is it possible to let users register for the purchase using an authentication system, like signing in using Facebook? I agree with the other Vimeans that Vimeo is more niche than those other big industry players (and should stay so!) and I also see how solving the technical issues might give you guys a big advantage.

In any case, great news about more options :)

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Since we offer Facebook as a way to login to Vimeo, I could see it as a possibility in the future, but we don't have any plans just yet.

Yes Please offer signup/register with Facebook A.S.A.P....Vimeo is above board, Unfortunately common folks are not familiar with Vimeo as opposed to amazon etc. Registering with Vimeo is a huge impediment even with folks that have my free promo code they are just not willing to register especially on their phones... as opposed to a 1click register through facebook.

cereal killers

cereal killers

Is there any affiliate capability coming on stream or simple solutions that would allows us to create an affiliate distribution network for a Vimeo VOD release?

Chris Diken

Chris Diken Staff

While I can't speak to affiliate distribution specifically, I can say this is just the first of many updates to Vimeo On Demand, and we are continually working on ways to give creators and viewers the best tools and experiences possible. I know that sounds vague and like a standard corporate blog comment reply, but we really are working our brains to the bone over here.

Manana Films

Manana Films PRO

We loved the platform from the very first day it launched, and surely we couldn't miss the opportunity to check it out, so when we launched our feature adventure documentary, Hit The Road: India, this summer, this was one of the first platforms we launched the film on. And then we loved Vimeo On Demand even more, when we saw our title featured on the homepage among Amazing Adventures section!:)
Way to go guys, you're building the Film Industry 2.0.

Arnþór Tryggvason

Arnþór Tryggvason

We at TrailerPark Studios like this development a lot... this is where we should be heading.

Pnn Media Arts

Pnn Media Arts PRO

Incredible!! Just as we were discussing ways of creating funds for our class this news arrives!! Wonderful!!

Josue Molina

Josue Molina

A great way for independent filmmakers to profit from their work. Your ahead of the game my friends.

Wolf Point Media

Wolf Point Media Plus

Looking forward to figuring out how to make this work for us - thank you for the options!



I am considering using Video on Demand to sell short 1-2 min news video clips to web news services and TV. Do you thing it would be suitable.

Spook Avenue

Spook Avenue

I am loving the ideas vimeo is generating for independent distribution, hoping to have a whole bunch of videos online within the next year and while the challenge of marketing is always going to make or break a production, this is a fantastic means of distribution for the indy filmmaker.

Nice work Vimeo !

A Brand Apart Television

A Brand Apart Television PRO

We wanted promo codes and you delivered, nice one!

Well, almost! Trying to set a discount amount and it seems locked to 100% (i.e. free). I expect there is a way of, having created the code, offering an amount like 25% off? Is that right (sorry btw if this is the wrong section to ask!) Thanks Vimeo.

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Right now we only have 100% discount codes, but hope to offer the ability to let you choose soon!



I'm a pro speaker and am part of an industry that would use VOD a lot! Is it open to non-filmmakers? i.e. can i upload and sell talks / seminars etc to my clients?



Hi there; 14,000,000 users means 14mil oped in email addresses, a weekly or monthly news letter telling users what's new at Vimeo ON Demand, if it gets a 0.1% return that's 14,000 x 10% Vimeo's way is $1400 bucks and that email news letter shouldn't cost Vimeo vary much..

Stephen Eyer

Stephen Eyer PRO

Great work on the upgrades. We're evaluating our VOD options for our release and I thought I'd mention some of the features I'd love to see on the roadmap:

1. Faster payments - Make payments more often (i.e. weekly) rather than waiting 30+ days after the calendar month ends.

2. Email addresses - Provide an opt-in at purchase so buying customers can join our film's mailing list and allow us to export those emails into our email marketing program.

3. Sales Conversions - See where customers are coming from (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, blogs) and which sites are converting best.

4. Currencies - Make sales possible in local currencies (i.e. GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD, etc.) rather than just US dollars.

5. Cross-sell merchandise - Be able to sell physical products like DVDs, t-shirts, posters, etc. to fans on the VOD sales page or with a custom domain. Any examples?

Love what you're building here. Thanks for helping empower indie filmmakers!

Lee Sankey Blues Harmonica

Lee Sankey Blues Harmonica PRO

Great suggestions Stephen, I'd love to see those implemented. Especially number 2. Vimeo On Demand is a brilliant platform but it does need a few more key features to really get it humming!


The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea PRO

Hi, I can't find the "preorder" setting. Will that feature be introduced soon, or did I miss it somehow?

Allan Hall

Allan Hall PRO

Well I thought is was a good idea and Warning on Embeds

I Added about 10 odd of my videos to on demand and it nuked all of my embeds that were behind my paid membership area and just just started playing the trailer. So members can no longer see them.
I have no idea how to turn it off and have tried to send 3 emails to contact support with 3 different email address ( on 3 different servers to check it was not my spam filters) and not one seems to have got through. I thought it would have been nice to know this was going to be the case.

Edit Ok great I found the red cross and was able to delete all of the VOD videos.
Beware that the permissions are now all changed and every video privacy must be reset

Being a Vimeo Pro customer for a couple of years and never having to have contacted them. I have to say that I am VERY disappointed about how poor of an experience that I have trying to contact support. I still have no idea if any of my now 4 requested have been received.

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Hi Allan,

Someone from out support team will be in touch with you very shortly if not already. Please continue your conversation with them via email. We'll get this sorted!

Eugene Brown

Eugene Brown

This is awesome! I've been searching (and searching and searching) for the perfect VOD platform for my music instructional videos. Will fans of my videos be able to stream/purchase on their respective devices such as desktops, laptops, phones, tablets and TV's?

30 LBS Skunk

30 LBS Skunk PRO

We just signed up a few days ago, and you added two features we really wanted to see. Please keep these improvements coming, we're really excited to be on board now! The next feature we'd really like to see is an Amazon Payments option



Not CC available, I'm right?

Chaz Rough

Chaz Rough Plus

I would like to distribute my YOGAmazing Video series via Vimeo. I like the download to purchase as well as rental, but can you do a monthly unlimited service or a yearly unlimited streaming service? I currently have that set up with another company, but I would rather use Vimeo as I am a big fan of your product and I use it as well for my clients. It would be great to speak with someone on the phone in detail if that is possible. I have close to 100 videos to sell. Can this all be placed inside one master channel?

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Hi Chaz,

Right now you can offer viewing periods from 1 day up to 1 year. You can also create episodic VOD pages to hold multiple videos.

Feel free to ask our support team any questions you have about VOD:

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Do you mean the video's you buy? That would be up to the owner.

Yes, If I like any videos or it suits my song, I want to use that a music video. If it is not chargeable it is good for me. Even it is chargeable I can buy the copyright.



Fleet Street Films

Fleet Street Films PRO

This is excellent news. The pre-order feature is definitely a welcome addition. Do you have plans to add options for alternate audio tracks (i.e. commentaries, foreign languages, etc.)?

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

For now we ask users upload different versions of the video, however we realize this isn't ideal and will be considering options like this in the future.

Since you are not gonna allow purchase without registering Please offer signup/register with Facebook A.S.A.P....Vimeo is above board, Unfortunately common folks are not familiar with Vimeo as opposed to amazon etc. Registering with Vimeo is a huge impediment even with folks that have my free promo code they are just not willing to register especially on their phones... as opposed to a 1click register through facebook... BTW, I really enjoy Vimeo

Greg Nelson

Greg Nelson

If VOD now includes promo codes, etc., does that mean people might be able to purchase a rental or buy a downloadable version of the film and give it as a gift?

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Hi Greg,

Sorry but it doesn't work that way right now. You as the creator make the promo codes, then you give them out to users however you'd like. So in a way you can issue "gifts" :)

Where are your videos, which I can buy ? Ca I use it for commercial purpose ? Is your videos aalso available under creative commons ?

@matt schwarz. Hi My ondemand stats are not reflecting the amount of purchases. It's been indicating 1 purchase for the past 2 days Vimeo does contact me via email in real time when an actual purchase is made. It's just not showing in the ondemand stats.

BOZ the Bear

BOZ the Bear PRO

This all sounds great but how come Promo Codes don't work and I have contacted your help several times with no response and with no phone contact number, I guess I'm out of luck. Really like Vimeo and the ability for VOD but customer service is lacking. :(

Andy Johnson-Laird

Andy Johnson-Laird PRO

Can you give me any specifics on how transaction costs are calculated? I cannot seem to find any details, beyond they vary widely and depend on sale prices and methods of payment.
I'd like to base my pricing model factoring in transaction costs but it's rather hard to do that without being able to get the details on the transaction costs! :)

I've tried using the help/contact system but got no response -- and my assistant wasn't able to reach a human by phone, so thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

Xavier Agudo - Ex Studio

Xavier Agudo - Ex Studio

Are vimeo rental vídeos embeddable on other websites? Allowing people to rent/purchase from other sites?

Heartlink Films

Heartlink Films PRO

We'd love our customers to be able to purchase our Vimeo VOD movie BLOKES ( ) in multiple file sizes (mobile .mp4, SD .mp4, full HD .mp4) depending on their playback device of choice, be it home computer, smart-TV or smartphone. Would love to see this option ported across to your VOD platform if it is at all possible. Kind regards, Adrian.

Bruce Dempsey

Bruce Dempsey

A buyer has to register to buy a video? That fact Should be part of the sales pitch vimeo . I never came accross that bit of extremely relevant information. and would not have signed up. Now I probably have to fight to get my Pro money back as that is a total deal breaker for me

Beatbox Bible

Beatbox Bible PRO

Yep Bruce - it's not clear at all in the FAQs. I've been asked to develop a large VOD site for someone but this is probably the deal 'unclincher' for VIMEO which is such a shame as I would very much like my client to use the service.

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