Since you’re all Staffheads — our name for loyal Vimeo staff blog readers — you’ve already read our 2012 Year in Vimeo, taken copious notes, and prepared your book report, which is due tomorrow.

What? You never got the assignment and you’re reading the blog naked and you didn’t know those were “special” brownies and now your parents will be home any minute? DON’T PANIC!!!

We just transformed that humble 2012-spanning post into a stunning scrolling timeline; it’s as if the Sparknotes version of Moby-Dick, in addition to being 12,000 pages shorter, also contained pretty icons and weird drawings. Read less, scroll more, feast your eyes on seasonally inspired beauty, and don’t write a book report because we're joking. Joking about joking, though. Seriously, we expect that report.

Timeline by this beard farmer.

+ More from the Staff Blog Archive



Handstick Staff

Does the report have to be typed? I prefer to write by hand. I have beautiful penmanship.


Remyyy Plus

I was afraid to see the tree monster coming in December but pfiouu, releaved !

Philiac Music

Philiac Music

We knew they were special, which is why we ate them all........per usual.

Anja Katharina Kehrbusch

Anja Katharina Kehrbusch

Ich habe ein cooles Tanz und Box Video präsentier ! Echt was für Männer! Song von Rocky Balboa ! Schöne Grüße von Anja Katharina !

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