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Obama on Early Voting: "You Can Only Vote Once; This Isn't Chicago"

At a Tuesday evening campaign event for Mary Burke, Democratic nominee for governor of Wisconsin, President Barack Obama encouraged voters to participate in early voting. "One week, Wisconsin. One week. One week from today you get to choose a new governor. And because early voting runs through this Friday, you don't have to wait until election day," Obama told the crowd in Milwaukee. "You can vote all week," Obama added. "I mean you can......

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Chris Matthews: Possibility Republicans May Pick Up 8-10 Seats

CHRIS MATTHEWS: I do think, I always tell people lately, if you're watching us on election night, or anybody on election night, pay attention to 7:00. If Kentucky comes in too close to call, with Alison Lundergan Grimes against Mitch McConnell. If that's too close to call, Democrats may not force a blowout here. However, if you wait until 8:00 and you see [New Hampshire] too close to call with Scott Brown, I gotta tell you. I think if Scott...

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Bret Baier: Senate Races To Watch Next Week

Bret Baier reviews the RCP polling averages for key Senate races in Alaska, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, and Louisiana.

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Hardball: Tough Chris Christie vs. Logical Obama On Ebola

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Meet Chris Christie, who knows the best way to get in the press is to start a fight, whether it is telling a young woman, "none of your business!" or telling the president he doesn't know how his business. Itching to get into the center ring, the Cone Man from Jersey has declared war on President Obama and the White House's don't panic approach to the handling the Ebola crisis. The president meanwhile is taking his uual...

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Obama on Ebola: "This Is Something That Will Get Fixed"

PRESIDENT OBAMA: America in the end is not defined by fear. That's not who we are. America's defined by possibility and when we see a problem and we see a challenge, then we fix it. We don't just react based on our fears. We react based on facts and judgment and making smart decisions. That's how we have built this country and sustained this country and protected this country. That's why America has defined progress, because we're not afraid...

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Reporter to Earnest: Why Quarantine Soldiers But Not Civilians Who Were In Direct Contact With Ebola?

REPORTER: It doesn't seem like that's being driven by that science. It may be driven by other elements, but it's not the science.

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Elizabeth Warren on Ebola: "This Is Why Elections Matter"

NORAH O'DONNELL, CBS NEWS: First on the issue of Ebola. Governor Chris Christie said this morning he doesn't think his policy of involuntarily quarantine is draconian. He says the CDC has been behind on this. SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): Well, so, he should bring out his scientists who are advising him on that because we know that we want to be led by the science. That's what's going to keep people safe. Science, not politics. I think that...

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"View" Panel Defends Bill Maher From Berkeley Students Trying to Ban Him From Campus

All four panelists on "The View," Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell, Rosie Perez, and Nicolle Wallace, agreed that Bill Maher should speak at Berkeley University. Maher was invited to speak at the university as the 2014 fall commencement speaker, but is facing backlash from some students due to his views on the threat of radical Islam. From Tuesday's...

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Susan Page: Obama Administration "More Dangerous" To Press Than Any Other "In American History"

SUSAN PAGE: Access to the White House has just gotten worse and worse. And I'm worried that that is the new floor for the next administration and we will never regain access or ability to do reporting -- do our job -- unless we just constantly fight the battle.

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Christie: "Were Not Moving An Inch; Our Policy Hasn't Changed, And Our Policy Will Not Change"

MATT LAUER, NBC: Is it possible that you're on the wrong side of science here, but the right side of public opinion? GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE: No, I’m going to be on the right side of both, ultimately, Matt. I understand that the CDC has been behind on this. Folks got infected in in Texas because they were behind and we're not going to have folks being infected in New Jersey and other states in this country. Governors ultimately have the...

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Joe Scarborough: Even Liberals Agree With Christie On Ebola When "Jammed In" To NYC

JOE SCARBOROUGH: So here's the deal. There are two Americas, all right? The America of editorial writers. People like Mike Barnicle and the rest of us.We sit around tables and talk about things like this and we're shocked and stunned. And then there's everybody else. And what I said yesterday is everybody else was on Chris Christie's side! outside the news media. I was shocked. The most liberal liberals. Yeah, I got no problem with her staying...

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O'Reilly: ISIS, Ebola, And Illegals Threaten "Every American"

BILL O'REILLY: What do Ebola, ISIS, illegal alien criminals and fanatical Muslims all have in common? The answer, they all are a threat to our security. Let's take them one by one. It's now estimated that the ISIS terror group may have now up to 50,000 members who are bent on killing both Muslims and infidels, that's us, in order to impose a fundamentalist Muslim state on the world. Currently ISIS is now holding, perhaps as many as 20 Western...

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"Special Report" Panel On Hillary Clinton vs. Corporations

Bret Baier hosts Charles Lane, Jason Riley, and Charles Krauthammer.

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Is the New Media Better Or Worse?

Clarence Page joins Tom Bevan to discuss the effects the internet age has had on the news media and how he survived the changes.

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Chris Hayes on Christie's Ebola Quarantine: "Fear Sells"

Chris Hayes speaks with NJ politics journalist and history professor Brian Murphy about the politics of the New York/New Jersey Ebola quarantine instituted this weekend by Governors Chris Christie and Andrew Cuomo. Are the two governors taking political advantage of the crisis?

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Karl Rove: Momentum On The Republicans' Side In Key Senate Races

KARL ROVE: It shows that the Gardner campaign has a great ground game, and this election is going to come down to the ground game. The latest NBC-Marist poll has Gardner up by one, interestingly the last time NBC/Marist was in the field in September, they had Udall ahead by 6. So if you look at the movement between the two NBC polls, it has been a seven-point swing towards Gardner. There's a general sense, he's been doing very well in recent...

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