

Past Events
October 16, 2014 8:00-10:00AM
A group of energy policy and politics experts gathered at the Newseum in Washington on Thursday for a program titled "U.S. Energy Policy and the 2014 Midterm Elections." The discussion ranged widely, with panelists offering their thoughts on fracking, climate change, Tom Steyer, control of the Senate, the 2016 presidential race, and much more.
October 13, 2014, 12-2 PM EDT, Charlotte, NC
U.S. Senate candidate Thom Tillis suggested Monday that he would back Sen. Mitch McConnell for majority leader should Republicans win control of the upper chamber next month. Tillis had previously declined to answer when asked whom he would support for that post. “Mitch McConnell is a great leader,” he said Monday. “If he’s put forth by the caucus, I will absolutely vote for him. I expect that he will be.”
September 25, 2014 12-2 PM CDT, Little Rock, AR
Republican Rep. Tom Cotton, running in one of the most competitive and consequential U.S. Senate races this year, said Thursday that the outcome of the midterm elections could determine “whether we will actually harness the energy resources that our country has.”
September 19, 2014 12:00-2:00PM
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro -- whose name often comes up as a potential Democratic vice presidential nominee -- said Tuesday that he has been relishing in his nonpartisan role at HUD. "Ninety percent of the work that we do in most of these agencies, but particularly in HUD, is non-political," estimated the former mayor of San Antonio. "It’s not really impacted by whether folks are Democrats or Republicans." Castro’s comments came during a luncheon event titled "Investing in What Works: Mayors' Best Practices" and co-hosted by RealClearPolitics and the advocacy group Results for America.
June 24, 2014 8:00-10:00AM
Rep. Donna Edwards and Sen. Heidi Heitkamp expressed a strong hope Thursday that the deeply divided U.S. Congress can come together to address the problem of domestic violence. Speaking at a breakfast organized by RealClearPolitics and Allstate, the Maryland congresswoman and the North Dakota senator discussed the state of the Violence Against Women Act; the new frontiers in combating domestic violence; and whether an issue as important as women's safety can bridge divides among polarized lawmakers.
June 19, 2014 8:00-10:00AM
A contracting economy, the highest corporate tax rate in the world and more young adults than ever living at home with their parents are among the many “alarm bells” that should make reforming the tax code a priority, according to Michigan Congressman Dave Camp. Speaking at a job growth and tax reform event hosted by RealClearPolitics on Thursday, Camp spelled out flaws in the federal tax code and argued for simplifying it.
May 9, 2014 8:00-10:00AM
Rep. Randy Forbes, one of Congress’ top defense hawks, asserted at a RealClearDefense breakfast Friday morning that he doesn’t accept sequestration as permanent policy, and he slammed the Obama administration over its handling of several defense issues. “I’m not buying into the fact that sequestration is going to be here. We have to change it,” said Forbes during a question-and-answer session with RealClearPolitics Washington Bureau Chief Carl Cannon. In the meantime, however, the Virginia lawmaker argued that how to best handle the mandated budget cuts is becoming one of the sharpest divides between Republicans and Democrats.
March 12, 2014 8:00-10:00AM
A panel of experts shared their views on some of the most pressing issues in education today at the RealClearEducation launch event Wednesday morning, offering predictions and analyses on the state of American education. While questions about the politics of Common Core, charter schools and affordability abounded, the gathered specialists also shared their opinions and research on pensions, pre-K and global competitiveness.
January 15, 2014 12:00-2:00PM
Sen. Joe Manchin, speaking at a forum on U.S. energy policy sponsored by RealClearPolitics and America's Power, challenged his own party on a range of energy-related issues Wednesday. The West Virginia lawmaker warned that if the Obama administration failed to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, fellow Democrats could face electoral consequences in the upcoming midterm elections.
October 9, 2013 8:00-10:00AM
Republican Rep. Lee Terry said Wednesday he plans to introduce legislation that would fund parts of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The bill would join a growing list of piecemeal spending measures passed by the House -- and rejected by the Senate -- intended to restore funding to popular agencies amid the ongoing government shutdown. Speaking at a RealClearPolitics breakfast on the subject of “distracted driving,” Terry told RCP Washington Bureau Chief Carl Cannon that the shutdown is having direct effects on highway safety throughout the country “right now.”
May 21, 2013 12:00-2:00PM
At a Tuesday luncheon two blocks from the Capitol, a dozen energy sector officials, experts, and thought leaders offered a path forward for meeting America’s energy needs. If a single word described the two-hour session, it would be “diversity.” Titled “Fueling America’s Future” and hosted by RealClearPolitics (which has spotlighted the topic this week), the event evoked a unified vision among those in the business of powering the nation’s cars, homes, buildings, and commercial enterprises -- and the consensus is that fossil fuels, nuclear power, renewables and conservation all have a key role to play.
May 17, 2013 8:00-10:00AM
A former infantry platoon leader in Iraq who now heads a veterans group said Friday that while positive steps have been taken to reintegrate America’s veterans into the workforce, there’s still a “long way to go.” Paul Rieckhoff, the CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America -- the largest nonpartisan organization serving the newest generation of veterans -- offered his observations during a forum hosted by RealClearPolitics at the Newseum in Washington.

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