Dallas Real Estate Baron Gene Phillips Hasn't Paid Taxes on His $25 Million Estate Since 2005

Categories: Biz

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Gene Phillips' modest Preston Hollow homestead.
Gene Phillips isn't the type of homeowner the Texas Legislature had in mind when it passed a law in 1979 allowing senior citizens to indefinitely defer their property taxes. Think instead of an ailing grandmother, whose Social Security check wouldn't stretch quite far enough to cover groceries and property taxes, weeping bitterly as her home is sold on the courthouse steps.

"Essentially the law was kind of designed to avoid people over 65 being forced from their homes [by tax foreclosure]," says Charles Gilliland, a professor at Texas A&M University's Real Estate Center.

That hasn't stopped Phillips, a wealthy real estate investor with a 16-acre spread next door to George W. Bush and Tom Hicks in Preston Hollow, from taking advantage. According to Dallas County tax records, he hasn't paid any property taxes on his $25.7 million estate since 2005. His total outstanding balance -- money that under ordinary circumstances would be going to fund Dallas schools, cops, libraries and Parkland Hospital -- is $3.3 million. And all he had to do was file a tax-deferral affidavit with the Dallas County Appraisal District swearing that he's over 65, and his 18,000-square-foot home is his homestead, and he doesn't want to pay taxes on it right now.

The local governments that rely on this money aren't completely out of luck. Phillips' deferment will expire as soon as he sells the house or dies, in which case the county will be free to sell it on the courthouse steps if his estate doesn't cover the bill. And Phillips is being charged 8 percent annual interest plus various penalties and fees, an expensive proposition unless he has a killer investment strategy and/or doesn't care what property taxes he'll owe when he's dead.

There doesn't seem to be any data on how many senior citizens in Texas use property tax deferrals out of necessity versus just don't feel like paying their property taxes, but Gilliland says that the local tax collectors he talks to are concerned that an aging population and their increasing use of tax deferrals could affect revenues. We're waiting on data from DCAD, but the number of tax-deferred properties in Travis County increased tenfold between 2001 and 2012, from 286 to 2,867.

Nor, Gilliland says, does there appear to be any appetite for amending the law to make it tougher for people like Phillips to use. No reasonably intelligent lawmaker is going to push for a measure that is guaranteed to wind up in an attack ad featuring a grandmother eating cat food. Neither are the members of the Texas Legislature.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

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Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

But, the Republicans tell us that the rich pay all of the taxes. 


The tax code allows anyone over 65 to defer their property taxes.

Heck, if I thought I could invest and make more than 8% return on my money I might even go for it,but I’m not that good of an investor and 8% compounded adds up quickly.The tax entities will all get paid at some point, because even Gene Phillips is going to die.I wonder who gets the 8% when it’s paid.At $3.3 million the interest for this year will be around $264,000, and next year just over $285,000 and $308,000 the following year.I don’t think he can live long enough to owe more than the place is worth, unless he has Ebby Halliday genes!


Does anybody remember a 60 minutes segment where rich Texans lowered their taxes by declaring their property a Tree Farm, even though they had no intention of ever selling the trees?  I think the Bush family was in on it.  This guy might qualify.


Hatred of the rich... has killed more people than any other prejudice but is still perfectly socially acceptable


I bet he is using the money he's not paying the city to instead fund a life insurance policy.  The death benefit will payoff when he dies and the property taxes are due, plus the death benefit is 100% income tax free and the internal rate of return on life insurance is way higher than 8%.  Lastly, the taxes will likely be a tax deduction while the life insurance is tax free; so he sorta wins on both sides.


Taxes on homestead properties should be abolished. We need to own our homes outright instead of being forced to perpetually rent them from the county.


Well, that's all fine and dandy, but the actual issue this article should address is - what happens to the families of the "people the law was meant for" when they die and the tax collectors come for THEIR houses?

Why the outrage against someone simply using the law as written, but no questions raised about what'll happen to everyone else?

Question 1 is rhetorical - of COURSE someone with a ton of money should just go ahead and waive their legal rights, because FAIRNESS.

Question 2 is serious and something that needs to be considered.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Loophole: Following the rules that the rulemakers would prefer that you break.

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

We can only hope the family doesn't find a way to wiggle out of the bill when Gene croaks.  8% annual is a nice ROI for the state.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Typical Repuglykan Scumbag.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Sounds like he qualifies under the bill, so why not.

Although, I do wonder if what he is claiming as a homestead exceeds the statutory definition of a homestead.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

So bring in an income exemption. This fuck head should be paying his taxes, though i dont blame him for using the loophole the dumbass state obviously never thought through

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@WaitWhat EDS got that ag exemption for putting 4 or 5 longhorn steers on their plano hq.

holmantx topcommenter

@Sotiredofitall plus penalties.

He's probably cash poor.  He has always spent other people's money.  More often than not, like Trump they take the fall. 

Just consider it a Life Estate.  Hopefully he will maintain it for the taxpayer ultimate benefit.

He may have not filled out the homestead to block creditors from taking it, over and above the mortgage balance.  But most normal lenders would require he pay his property taxes.  Unless he lent the money to himself (ha!).

There's no telling what's going on.

We'll know when he dies.

mavdog topcommenter


Phillips did give Ted Cruz a $10,000 contribution in the 2012 election.

mavdog topcommenter


no monetary limit for a homestead, but an "urban" homestead is defined as 10 acres or less. that's really more for protecting one's "homestead" from creditors however.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The state gets 8% more in the long run.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

@mavdog @ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul 

Thanks, that was the homestead definition that I was thinking of. Though I thought that there are limitations on furnishings and such.  For example, if you owned the Mona Lisa, it would not be covered under the homestead exemption.

Montemalone topcommenter


Will the school district and libraries and fire department and police department and streets department and park department and every other property tax supported department wait until this guy dies, and his will is probated, to get paid?

Or should local government have to borrow money to pay for services?

I'm sick of all the rich folks complaining about taxes. Without taxes, they wouldn't have had a society in which to get rich.

mavdog topcommenter


8% huh...

wonder how much more a return on the money he has to invest by not paying his owed taxes?

State won't get any of that.

mavdog topcommenter


doesn't show this election cycle. guess as the reports aren't due until after the election.

our potential Lt. Governor has a lot of crazy ideas....

mavdog topcommenter


not sure but I believe it is limited to real property, not personal property.

items necessary for one's business and trade are included, but paintings and such? don't think so.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The U.S. is trillions of dollars in the red, do you think it's because the tax burden is too low, or maybe the money is not particularly well-managed?

When there's poor management of funds, is the solution more funds?

It's worked so well for government schools, hasn't it?


@mavdog @TheRuddSki 

'8% huh...'

So you are implying the state is getting short changed on an eight percent fixed rate.

Montemalone topcommenter


We're talking about local services, not DC.

Borrowing to pay for police and fire protection so some millionaire can skip paying his share today is ridiculous.

Keep trolling, though.

mavdog topcommenter


 do you think it's because the tax burden is too low, or maybe the money is not particularly well-managed?


TheRuddSki topcommenter


The American Way is to voluntarily pay taxes you don't have to. It's like tithing to the state.

mavdog topcommenter


no, I am suggesting that Phillips is a savvy investor and will achieve greater than an 8% ROE from the unpaid monies that is available for him to invest.

guess you missed the wonder how much more a return on the money he has to invest by not paying his owed taxes? that was in my post...

mavdog topcommenter



seriously, who in their right mind would put their money in a CD today?

Even tax free munis pay over 4%...

TheRuddSki topcommenter


A man follows the law, city makes more than they would have had he chosen not to.

An outrage.

Keep taking the bait, tho.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


in an earlier day, you would have served the Crown well.

mavdog topcommenter


you believe that Phillips doesn't "have to... pay taxes" that are assessed on his property? that property taxes are "voluntary"?


@mavdog @dingo 

No, you were quite simply implying the state was getting short changed:

Mavdog: 'State won't get any of that.'

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@mavdog ... So what pays 8%+ ?? ... one of Barry Madoff's feeder funds?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It was over your head, sorry.

mavdog topcommenter


interesting interpretation.

the State gets its 8% at some undefined point in the future, which is a tad less than what an average low risk pension fund earns in this day and time. it's about 2x what it would pay in debt service on revenue bonds.

the state nonetheless does not share in the gain that an investor who does not pay their owed debt would get on that money they didn't pay. it's capital for the investor that in theory they are paying 8% cost of on. fairly cheap money.

if you want to assign that to the State being "short changed", goforit.

mavdog topcommenter


Nope, you just don't like to be called out for your absurdity.

mavdog topcommenter


"Like Heath insurance, are voluntary at the point of a gun"

See, there you go again with the absurdity.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Military service was voluntary even during the draft. You could volunteer for any of the branches, or go to Canada, or a nice jail.

But the healthcare was free either way.

mavdog topcommenter


do you read your links before pasting them?

"agents had reason to suspect they had come across a $300 million tax fraud in one case and a drug operation in another"

and of course none of them have anything to do with health insurance.

but keep on with your campaign.....

TheRuddSki topcommenter


As I've said many times, it's a term based on a certain reality - but it should never be used around the autistic or anal-retentive, they think it literally means the government has guns, and will use them to enforce laws.

Which is absurd.

mavdog topcommenter


the government has guns, and will sometimes use them to enforce some laws, typically not financial violations

here, I fixed it for you..

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog @everlastingphelps You're dangerously naive on that one.  The only thing "typical" is that they typically just submit and pay the fines.  Every single time they say "no, I'm not paying," out comes the SWAT team and the raid.  Every time.  

Remember, the entire Bundy Ranch standoff was about an unpaid judgment won by the state.  And it doesn't matter if it is millions or just a thousand or less:


mavdog topcommenter


The Bundy affair was first, not a "financial violation" it was a trespassing offense, and second, was escalated by the arrival of armed civilians when the BLM were rounding up the trespassing cattle.

The SWAT team is used way too often by local police, sometimes by the federales, but it certainly is not "every time" thank goodness.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog Cattle can't trespass, people trespass.  The cows were being seized pursuant to a court order to satisfy the 2-something million dollar judgment against Bundy in the underlying case.

In any event, it's about the money.  Every single time you say, "No, I'm not paying the money" they are going to raid you with SWAT.  Every time.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog Well, a moron reporter wrote it, so that makes it black letter law!  Call up the ghost of Thurgood Marshall, there's a new legal genius in the land!

2010 Nevada Code
Chapter 207 Miscellaneous Crimes
NRS 207.200 Unlawful trespass upon land; warning against trespassing.

NRS 207.200 Unlawful trespass upon land; warning against trespassing.

1. Unless a greater penalty is provided pursuant to NRS 200.603, any person who, under circumstances not amounting to a burglary:

(a) Goes upon the land or into any building of another with intent to vex or annoy the owner or occupant thereof, or to commit any unlawful act; or

(b) Willfully goes or remains upon any land or in any building after having been warned by the owner or occupant thereof not to trespass, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog It isn't federal property, it's unincorporated land that the feds claim a right to manage, so Nevada law applies.  But let's go, you're too fucking stupid to check before you spout off:

25 CFR 11.411 - Criminal trespass.

(a) A person commits an offense if, knowing that he or she is not licensed or privileged to do so, he or she enters or surreptitiously remains in any building or occupied structure. An offense under this subsection is a misdemeanor if it is committed in a dwelling at night. Otherwise it is a petty misdemeanor.
(b) A person commits an offense if, knowing that he or she is not licensed or privileged to do so, he or she enters or remains in any place as to which notice against trespass is given by:(1) Actual communication to the actor; or(2) Posting in a manner prescribed by law or reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders; or(3) Fencing or other enclosure manifestly designed to exclude intruders.(c) An offense under this section constitutes a petty misdemeanor if the offender defies an order to leave personally communicated to him or her by the owner of the premises or other authorized person. Otherwise it is a violation.
It must be fun to be your neighbor, with you calling the cops to arrest the kid's soccer ball when it trespasses into your back yard.  Property can't trespass.

mavdog topcommenter

Read the summary judgement. Bundy's livestock trespassed "on property owned by the United States".

Go tell the attys and the judge they were "fucking stupid". It will give them a good laugh.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog Why don't you actually try reading it:

The United States has established irreparable harm not only through the continuing nature of Bundy’s trespass

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the United States is entitled to protect the New Trespass Lands against this trespass, and all future trespasses by Bundy

The allegations were against Bundy, not the cattle.  

mavdog topcommenter


Did you purposely ignore the numerous references to "trespassing cattle" throughout the document? Or were you just too lazy to read the entire document?

Let's see, first you claim that the livestock cannot trespass. The summary judgement proves you wrong,

Then you claim that Nevada law applies, the summary judgement proves you wrong.

Then you claim the property is not owned by the U.S. government, the summary judgement proves you wrong.

You're 0 for....you should stop embarrassing yourself.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@mavdog Where does the court say that they applied federal tresspass law rather than Nevada?  Federal courts apply state law all the time.

Bundy trespassed by placing his property where he didn't have the right.  Trespass is a tort and property can't commit torts.  My car can't injure you, I injure you if I run you over.  My computer can't libel you, my gun can't shoot you, and my property can't trespass yours.

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