Weekend Challenge: 5 Second Film IV

Hey there, my abbreviated array,

This weekend, we're bringing back the shortest challenge we've got: the 5 second film! You should watch and learn from the masters, but we've also got these examples from a previous winner (Paul Rayment) and runner up (Jared Rosenthal):

Let's see how much story you can tell in just 5 seconds! The format plays nice with humor, but these micro-films could be dramatic, spooky, romantic, or kooky. It's up to you.

The Rules:

+ Create a 5 second long super-short film (with allowances for a 2-second intro and a 1-second outro). Remember that only videos made specifically for this Challenge will be considered.

+ If you add music, make sure you use a song you or a buddy created, or something from the Vimeo Music Store ! If you do choose to use a Music Store song, please throw a link in the description.

+ Anything goes for your video's title, but add this at the end of your video's description: "Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge"

+ Upload and post your video to the Weekend Challenge Group by ***Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014*** at 11:59 PM (EST). Just follow the screenshots below:

All videos must be approved by the Vimeo Staff before appearing in the Group, so don't worry if your video doesn't show up at first; we'll get to it!

The Prizes:

+ The winner will receive a Challenge badge on their video, and free Vimeo Plus account for one year! If you're already a Plus member, you'll get another year tacked on to the end of your current subscription.

+ The runner-up will receive an extra 3GB of upload space in their weekly quota!

Ready for a challenge?

Tell a big story in only 5 short seconds!

Accept this challenge



Cameron Christopher

Cameron Christopher Staff

I forgot to post the winners! I'll announce those when the winner of this Challenge is announced (and we'll give out a few more prizes as an apology).

Noeleen, as-is

Noeleen, as-is Plus

Ha! Love that handicap one. These are both choice, see why they won. Inspiring!

I've been a member for a while, receiving your weekly emails but moving house, relocating, trying to get internet ET cet ERA, and finally finally settled. Woohee, will give it a go :)

Jannet Walsh

Jannet Walsh Plus

Can you share the Forever Summer Challenge winner please? I missed the winner.

Enlighten Fawn

Enlighten Fawn

Where Can I Find Who Won the 'One Minute Challenge'? Thank You ~

Cameron Campbell

Cameron Campbell

Can video be playing during the 2 second intro? (Under the title) Or does it have to be a completely separate card?

Paul Rios

Paul Rios

I can't seem to figure out how to post in the challenge group. Can some one brake it down for me real slow? I'm new to this.

Marios Lizides

Marios Lizides

is it too late to submit? :) i logged in yesterday and found only this so thought it was this weeks!!!

Darren Kwan

Darren Kwan

Yea I was about to ask too, is it too late for me to post something this weekend?


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Lesson Summary

Tell a big story in only five short seconds!

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Most of the video tutorials in our Video School lessons come from Vimeo members. If you have a tutorial you'd like to share, please submit it here.