Weekend Challenge: Cook up a Recipe III

Hey there, my famished familia,

Yesterday I enjoyed a homemade salad of tuscan kale, roast beets, fennel, lemon rind, burrata, white asparagus, with verjuice and extra virgin olive oil. Homemade, in this case, means my boyfriend made it while I watched Downton Abbey, but that's beside the point. Inspired by that gorgeous creation, this lesson about filming a recipe video, and our insatiable appetite for all things edible, we're bringing back the Cook up a Recipe Challenge!

Instead of shining in the spotlight as the host of your own cooking show, try using this video format to focus on the food. A previous Challenge winner, Eduardo H. Garza creatively (and beautifully) illustrated his recipe and process in "Gazpacho":

Another great example is this beautiful video by tiger in a jar, which highlights the stories of the kitchen in addition to the gorgeous lemon tart:

Here's a list of suggestions to get you going:

1. Pick a recipe
What recipe do you want to share with the world? Pick one! As long as it’s delicious, you’re golden.

2. Choose a location
You don’t necessarily have to shoot in a kitchen. Find a place that compliments your ingredients with lots of natural light, or set up a simple studio with ample indoor lighting! For more on using what you've got, check out our lesson on Lighting with a Bounce.

3. Prepare your ingredients and tools
Before you shoot, make sure you’ve got all the necessary ingredients measured out and tools prepared.

4. Prepare your equipment
Think about the lenses you're going to use, and something to keep you steady!

5. Shoot everything
Cooking moves fast, and once a moment has passed it’s hard to go back, so make sure you capture it all. If the recipe allows for it, make the food twice and focus on different views each time!

6. Vary your shots
Editing is easier when you have lots to work with. Our lesson on Varying your Shots will help you avoid staying in the same place for too long!

7. Edit it down
Lay out your clips in sequential order, make sure you’ve told the entire story, then, start cutting away at it.

8. Add text or voice over
Titles or voice over can add a useful instructional element to your video, and you may want to add those important measurements and instructions.

9. Mix in some music
Music can go a long way in carrying your piece. Find a song in Vimeo Music Store and add it into the mix!

Make sure to check out the lesson for a deeper look at how a recipe video comes together!

The Rules:

+ Create a recipe video! Remember that only videos made specifically for this Challenge will be considered.

+ Keep your video under 3 minutes long.

+ If you add music, make sure you use a song you or a buddy created, or something from the Vimeo Music Store ! If you do choose to use a Music Store song, please throw a link in the description.

+ Add this blurb at the end of your video's description: "Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge"

+ Upload and post your video to the Weekend Challenge Group by ***Tuesday, September 9th, 2014*** at 11:59 PM (EST). Just follow the screenshots below:

All videos must be approved by the Vimeo Staff before appearing in the Group, so don't worry if your video doesn't show up at first; we'll get to it!

The Prizes:

+ The winner will receive a Challenge badge on their video, and free Vimeo Plus account for one year! If you're already a Plus member, you'll get another year tacked on to the end of your current subscription.

+ The runner-up will receive an extra 3GB of upload space in their weekly quota!

Ready for a challenge?

Create a recipe video!

Accept this challenge

Behind The Scenes


Manna Fresh Films

Manna Fresh Films

Does it have to be a recipe for food...can it be a recipe for something else?

Entertainers Plus!

Entertainers Plus!

OK I'm a little on the post 11:59 time span I hope you will let me add this to the group challenge as you can imagine having a party was almost overwhelming for me, lots of people came and it has been busy in the office ever since. I can only work on these movies late at night......hope you like.....thank you!

Nick Bolton

Nick Bolton Plus

My video was uploaded at 11:55 pm, tuesday sept 9th, it has not propagated to the group. Moderator, please review and post.


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Lesson Summary

Film the creation of a delicious delicacy.

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