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Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Deutsche Bank offices in London.
Luke Macgregor/Reuters

Deutsche Bank offices in London.

Earnings at Germany’s largest bank had been expected to suffer after it said last week that it had set aside an additional $1.1 billion to cover legal costs.

Christopher Viehbacher, Sanofi Chief, Is Ousted by Board

Company shares just their biggest drop since 1999, after a warning that sales growth in Sanofi’s top-selling drug, for diabetes, was faltering.

E.U. Budget Clearance for France and Italy Comes With an Asterisk

A commissioner said that while the countries may not have to redraft their 2015 budgets, their filings would face tough scrutiny.


Fiat Chrysler to Spin Off Ferrari Sports Car Brand

Fiat plans to list about 10 percent of Ferrari’s shares and distribute the remaining stake to its shareholders some time next year. It will be the first time Ferrari has been independent since the late 1960s.

Tesco Accounting Scandal Draws Scrutiny of Serious Fraud Office in Britain

The agency has begun a criminal investigation into accounting irregularities at Tesco, adding to the woes of Britain’s largest retailer.

Online Security Experts Link More Breaches to Russian Government

Researchers say hackers have for seven years been using sophisticated techniques to break into computer networks around the world.

Fed Plans Next Phase as End to Stimulus Program Is Expected

The Federal Reserve is expected to announce the end of its last round of quantitative easing, a move that markets have anticipated for nine months.

Total’s Profit Hit by Drop in Oil Prices

French oil company Total SA says its earnings dropped in the third quarter due to the falling global price of oil.


Shell Midstream Partners Raises $920 Million in New York I.P.O.

The limited partnership, which owns stakes in a group of pipelines primarily in Louisiana and Texas, sold 40 million shares in the offering.

Italy and France Blink in Budget Battle With European Union

In effect, the French and Italians have promised to make serious budget-cutting efforts and officials in Brussels have agreed to believe them.


Hong Kong Ready for Trading Link With Shanghai

The head of Hong Kong’s stock market regulator said that his agency had done all it needed to do to start the project, suggesting delays were coming from mainland China.

Facebook to Spend Billions on Future

Third-quarter results were strong, but the co-founder’s focus on long-term bets is making Wall Street nervous.

Economic Pain Looms Large for Iranians in Nuclear Negotiations

President Hassan Rouhani has pledged a bright economic future to follow the lifting of sanctions, but his promises are starting to ring hollow as talks stall.

China Can Cut Economic Growth Target in 2015, World Bank Says

China can afford to cut its 2015 economic growth target to 7 percent and still keep its labor market healthy, the World Bank said Wednesday.

Oil & Money: A Special Report
Mexico’s State-Owned Oil Giant, Pemex, Is in Uncharted Waters

Pemex hopes to shed its reputation as a lumbering oil monopoly and to remake itself into a modern company that can compete with the world’s biggest firms.

Insight and Analysis

Climate Change Concerns Push Chile to Forefront of Carbon Tax Movement

The measure, which is to take effect in 2018, will cover about half of the nation’s carbon emissions and is being hailed as a robust response to climate change.

Bits Blog

Taxes on Information Technologies Threatening Economic Growth, Report Says

Especially in developing countries, the taxes are slowing corporate productivity and e-commerce, according to a nonpartisan research group in Washington.

DealBook Column

Hillary Clinton’s Comment on Jobs Raises Eyebrows on Wall St.

A comment by the presumptive 2016 presidential candidate that corporations don’t create jobs causes unease among some of Mrs. Clinton’s business allies.

Inside Europe

10 Years in a Tempest of E.U. Politics

As José Manuel Barroso spends his last few days at the helm of the European Union's often maligned executive arm, he reflects on his legacy.

Bill Ackman and His Hedge Fund, Betting Big

Whether fighting a corporate takeover war or buying a top-of-the-world apartment, the chief of Pershing Square Capital Management doesn’t hold back.

On the Road

Business Travelers Pick Starbucks on the Go

A report shows that the restaurant is the most often expensed food and beverage brand, partly because of the number of millennials among travelers.

Bits Blog

Travel Search Site Hipmunk Cuts Yahoo Deal

Hipmunk is a tiny company but it’s finding creative new ways to market itself that don’t require spending a fortune. On Tuesday, it plans to announce a deal with Yahoo.

Markets »