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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Business Day Technology

Amazon's new Fire Stick TV.

Amazon's new Fire Stick TV.

State of the Art

Looking for a Design Behind Amazon’s Devices

The overall strategy behind the retailer’s hardware lineup appears puzzling; its devices sound fantastic in theory, but often fall short in reality.

Hungarians March Against Proposed Tax on Internet Use

Under a bill proposed by the government, data traffic would be taxed at the rate of about 62 cents a gigabyte. Critics say it seeks to limit access to independent sources of news.

Bits Blog

F.C.C. Proposal Would Allow à la Carte Internet Video Services

The proposal by Tom Wheeler, the F.C.C. chairman, would allow some online video providers to carry cable and local broadcast stations.

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Reddit Opens a Crowdfunding Site

An initiative from the popular online community site could potentially turn into a revenue stream.

Apple Pay Runs Afoul of MCX, a Group With a Rival Product

Rite Aid and CVS are not accepting Apple Pay because they belong to a consortium of retailers planning to release their own mobile payment system next year.

Facebook to Spend Billions on Future

Third-quarter results were strong, but the co-founder’s focus on long-term bets is making Wall Street nervous.

AT&T Accused of Deceiving Smartphone Customers With Unlimited Data Plans

The Federal Trade Commission said smartphone customers who signed up for an unlimited data plan often found their data speeds reduced if they were in the top 5 percent of users.

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HP Unveils Plan to Make 3-D Printing an Everyday Thing

The company, which made a fortune on conventional printers, has long been expected to go into 3D printing, which is still a small market.

Online Security Experts Link More Breaches to Russian Government

Researchers say hackers have for seven years been using sophisticated techniques to break into computer networks around the world.

White House Cites a Breach by Hackers

Hackers recently breached an unclassified computer network used by President Obama’s senior staff, a White House official said Tuesday night.

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Report Analyzes Extent of Data Breaches in California

The information of more than 18.5 million California residents was compromised in 2013, according to Kamala D. Harris, California’s attorney general.

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Xiaomi’s Hugo Barra Says He Is an Apple Fan, but Not a Copycat

An Apple executive recently called the design of Xiaomi’s phones “theft.” In return, Mr. Barra pointed out that parts of Apple’s new phones are a bit like handsets from HTC.

Protesters in Hong Kong on Edge as Police Track Their Online Footprints

A man’s arrest over posts about the pro-democracy demonstrations raises concern that the authorities have begun to patrol the Internet.

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YouTube Weighing New Subscription Service

YouTube’s subscription effort is still in the very early phases, and the company appears to be targeting potential partners from big media companies to individual publishers.

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Travel Search Site Hipmunk Cuts Yahoo Deal

Hipmunk is a tiny company but it’s finding creative new ways to market itself that don’t require spending a fortune. On Tuesday, it plans to announce a deal with Yahoo.

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From Style
Tinder, the Fast-Growing Dating App, Taps an Age-Old Truth

When it comes to dating, research shows, looks are all that matter, at least initially, something Tinder has taken full advantage of.

Personal Technology
App Smart

Learn Spanish, From Your Phone

Plenty of smartphone apps offer worthwhile and entertaining lessons.


Sorting the Phone’s Address Book

Plus, using Google Maps “Lite” and private searches in OS X Yosemite.

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Insight & Analysis
Notebook | Online Education

Demystifying the MOOC

O.K., so massive open online courses didn’t change the world. Professional development is far less inspirational. But that doesn’t mean they’re failures.

How Facebook Is Changing the Way Its Users Consume Journalism

Facebook uses mathematical formulas to predict what its users might want to read on the site, from which, a study says, about 30 percent of adults in America get their news.


When iPhones Ring, the Economy Listens

Beyond serving as Apple’s biggest profit center, the iPhone is also a bedrock of consumer spending and the stock market.

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Digital Lessons From the Museum and Art World

Leading museums have proven surprisingly adept at adapting digital technology, and their experience holds lessons for business.

Don't Miss...

Directing Planes, by Remote Control

A small airport in northern Sweden is showcasing technology that many expect will eventually transform the way air traffic is managed worldwide.

Using Cash and Pressure, China Builds Its Chip Industry

The Chinese government is investing billions in domestic chip makers as well as using legal action against multinationals and, experts say, espionage.

Parachutist’s Record Fall: Over 25 Miles in 15 Minutes

A helium-filled balloon lifted Alan Eustace, a Google executive, to more than 25 miles above the earth. Fifteen minutes after he cut himself loose, he was on the ground.

Hoverboard? Still in the Future

For the last 25 years, inventors like garage tinkerers, physics professors and engineers have been trying to make a hovering skateboard.

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