Rare Paralysis in Children Mystifies Doctors  | 

More than 50 children in 23 states have had mysterious episodes of paralysis to their arms or legs. The cause is not known, although some doctors suspect the cases may be linked to infection with enterovirus 68. Officials said that the cases seemed to be extremely rare. “At the moment, it looks like whatever the chances are of getting this syndrome are less than one in a million,” said the director of the division of viral diseases at the C.D.C. Read more.

Credit KJ Dell'Antonia

‘Don’t Expect Dinner.’

On Monday of my third week back at work after our son was born, I came home and found my husband sipping a beer with a frown, a sauce-stained dish in front of him, and no dinner for me.Read more…

The author with her daughter.Credit David G. Allan

Preparing to Lose My Mind After Giving Birth

Putting a plan in place does not guarantee that you will have a postpartum mood disorder, or that you won’t. It does guarantee you will know how to get help if you need it. Read more…

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