Teachers need your support

I agree with Dana Goldstein’s observations and I would like to make a few of my own. Having taught for 41 years, my thoughts can be summed up in one word SUPPORT!

And yes, this support can come in many forms, mainly through encouragement, and this support must come from many sources, such as parents, students, the custodial staff, cafeteria workers, office workers, librarians, counselors, other teacher colleagues, assistant principals, principals, superintendents and school board members.

Having taught for many years on a difficult DISD campus, my personal experience bears witness to this truth.

Had it not been for the wonderful support system I received through the years, I would never have survived.

This encouragement came in many ways — smiles, affirming notes, uplifting conversations, caring phone calls (even from then-Superintendent Mike Moses), flowers, small gifts, awards, and lots of hugs and thank-yous from students and their parents.

And for this, I will always be grateful.

Teaching is so rewarding, but also so stressful. A friendly, nonthreatening environment on each campus must be present at all times, along with lots of support on a daily basis.

May we all do our part to encourage teachers today.

Mrs. Marty Walker, Dallas



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