hydraulic fracking


Denton Council Votes Against Fracking Ban; Issue Goes To Voters This Fall

The proposed ban on hydraulic fracking in Denton will go to city voters this November after City Council members voted early Wednesday against an outright ban in a 5-2 vote that came after an eight-hour plus public hearing.



Hundreds Expected At Meeting To Decide Fracking In Denton

The City of Denton will draw statewide attention Tuesday as it considers a petition to become the first city in Texas to ban fracking. If approved, the ban could have a ripple effect not only in the state but across the nation.


Employees of an oil and gas company work on a natural gas valve at a hydraulic fracturing site. (credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Texas Geologist: Can’t Tie Water Contamination To Gas Drilling

The amount of explosive gas tainting a North Texas neighborhood’s water supply has increased in recent years, but the state’s oil and gas regulator says it can’t link the methane to drilling activity nearby,



Is North Texas Gas Well Putting Cancer-Causing Chemicals In The Air?

One side calls it “bad air.” The other calls it bad science. An energy company is responding to a claim that one of its Denton County gas wells could be putting cancer-causing chemicals into the air.

CBS 11–05/01/2014

Employees of an oil and gas company work on a natural gas valve at a hydraulic fracturing site. (credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Major Oil & Gas Firm To List Drilling Chemicals

A major supplier to the oil and gas industry says it will begin disclosing 100 percent of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluid, with no exemptions for trade secrets.


(credit:  Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Natural Gas Industry Struggles To Keep Promises

America’s plan to use more natural gas may not go as smoothly as expected. There’s plenty of natural gas in the ground, everyone seems to agree. But the harsh weather this winter shows there are obstacles to producing it, and more pipelines have to be built.


A drilling rig explores for gas. (credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Mansfield Moves Toward Gas Drilling Limits

Mansfield city leaders have moved one step closer to passing new gas drilling restrictions.

CBS 11–02/25/2014