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Open Meeting Archive

Agency Name:Railroad Commission of Texas
Date of Meeting:05/06/2014
Time of Meeting:09:30 AM
Board:Railroad Commission of Texas
Street Location:1701 North Congress, Room 1-111, First Floor
City Location:Austin
State Location:TX
Date of Submission:05/05/2014
Additional Information Obtained From:Lindil C. Fowler, Jr., General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967, (512) 463-7190
Emergency Mtg:Y
If Emergency Meeting, Reason:Immediate consideration by the Commission of the following agenda item is required due to an imminent threat to public health and safety posed by the matters described therein. The reclamation bonds for the referenced surface mining and reclamation permits are required in order that reclamation for the permitted areas will take place. Should the reclamation not take place as required and in a timely manner, conditions may exist within the permitted areas which constitute a danger to the public.


Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, and in addition to the items already posted for the open meeting commencing on Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at 9:30 a.m., on the agenda posting identified as TRD ID numbers 2014003083, 2014003085, and 2014003086, the Railroad Commission of Texas will take up for discussion and/or decision the following matter at the William B. Travis Building, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Room 1-111, First Floor, Austin, Texas.

Webcast. Commission open meetings are webcast and may be accessed from the Commission's home page at www.rrc.state.tx.us by clicking on WEBCASTS OF RRC COMMISSION CONFERENCES, or by going directly to http://www.texasadmin.com/cgi-bin/txrail.cgi.

Auxiliary Aids or Services for Persons with a Disability. Any individual with a disability who plans to attend this meeting and who requires auxiliary aids or services should notify the Commission as far in advance as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Requests may be made to the Human Resources Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas by mail at P. O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967; by telephone at (512) 463-6981 or TDD No. (512) 463-7284; by e-mail at ADA@rrc.state.tx.us; or in person at 1701 North Congress Avenue, Suite 12-110, Austin, Texas.



Docket Nos. C14-0013-SC-26-E and C14-0014-SC-38-E. Texas Municipal Power Agency, Surface Mining and Reclamation Permit Nos. 26D and 38D, Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine and Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine V; Commission consideration of proposed supplemental security for reclamation bonds for Permit Nos. 26D and 38D in form of escrow account deposits pursuant to ยง12.309(i) of the "Coal Mining Regulations."
TRD ID:2014003264
Datestamp:05/05/2014 04:34 PM
Archive Date:05/08/2014

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