Story of the Week

EPA Expects to Publish Long-Awaited Draft Fracking Report in March
NGI Weekly Intel
Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said Monday that the agency plans to roll out a series of key peer-reviewed papers related to its long-awaited draft report on the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on drinking water resources, setting the stage for its release early next year. Read More

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NGI Weekly Newsletter

October 27, 2014


NatGas Cash Takes Double-Digit Drubbing; Futures Clock 11-Month Low

Futures prices may have taken a hit from an uninspired weekly Energy Information Administration storage report Thursday, while physical market trading for Friday delivery took no prisoners and left only a handful of points in the plus column. Read More

Oxy Puts More Emphasis on Permian as California Splits Off

Reporting lower year-over-year 3Q2014 profits tied to lower oil prices and higher costs, Occidental Petroleum Corp. senior executives expressed bullishness Thursday... Read More

Customer Demand Drives Patterson-UTI Focus on High-Tech Rigs, HP

Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. (PTEN) expects to have an estimated 27% more in onshore horsepower capacity for its pressure pumping fleet services by the middle of 2015 as customers push for more intense hydraulic fracturing (frack) services, executives said Thursday. Read More

More Models for CNG Fueling Technology Take Shape

Natural gas vehicle (NGV) start-up GSD Systems is working on compressed natural gas (CNG) architecture for pressure vessels that would allow 20% more fuel to be stored in a back-of-the-cab structure on heavy-duty truck cabs. Read More

Natural Gas to Surpass Coal as PJM's Top Source Fuel in May

The head of PJM Interconnection, the regional transmission organization responsible for moving electricity over most of the Mid-Atlantic and parts of the Midwest, said natural gas is on pace to surpass coal as its primary source fuel by May 2015. Read More

Subsea Technology Backlog Highest in Four Years, Says FMC

Subsea demand is strong and getting stronger, with a backlog for orders at the highest level in more than four years for Houston's FMC Technologies Inc., the company reported Wednesday. Read More

Alaska Awards Leases on Disputed Acreage

Alaska has awarded two Beaufort Sea leases that had been pending since 2011 based on the state's belief that it -- and not the federal government -- controls 3,000 acres of tidal and submerged lands along the Beaufort coastline. Read More

Nabors Says 'Rapidly Expanding Population' of Long-Length Horizontals Signals Stronger U.S. Market

Unconventional drilling in the U.S. onshore boosted Nabors Industries Ltd. quarterly revenues to their highest level in more than two years, as customers sought better technology to finesse their wells. Read More

California’s Energy Outlook Mixed, Say Industry, Legislators

With carbon emissions and well stimulation now regulated by the state, and with new water rules and energy taxes possible next year, oil and natural gas industry representatives expressed mixed feelings Tuesday about the future of their business at Oil and Gas Awards’ West Coast Energy Summit in Bakersfield, CA. Read More

British Columbia Cuts LNG Export Taxes, Adds Corporate Incentives

The British Columbia (BC) government chopped its liquefied natural gas export tax in half Tuesday and added corporate tax cuts as lure to build tanker terminals on Canada's Pacific coast. Read More

Arizona Eyes Robust Winter Gas Supplies, Warmer Weather

Arizona regulators said Tuesday in an annual conference with major suppliers and distributors in Phoenix that the state has robust natural gas supplies... Read More

Rocky E&P Quarterlies Forecast on Oil Price Declines

Talk about natural gas oversupply may not be the big story when the domestic exploration and production sector unveils quarterly earnings reports over the next few weeks. Instead, conversations may center around the impact lower crude oil prices had on the third quarter, and how they may impact drilling plans into 2015, energy analysts said this week. Read More

Total’s Renowned De Margerie Dies in Jet Crash on Russian Runway

Total SA's board of directors scheduled an emergency meeting on Tuesday after the company’s charismatic and outspoken leader, Christophe de Margerie, 63, known to many in France and around the world as the "Big Moustache," died Monday night. Read More

EPA Expects to Publish Long-Awaited Draft Fracking Report in March

Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said Monday that the agency plans to roll out a series of key peer-reviewed papers related to its long-awaited draft report on the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on drinking water resources, setting the stage for its release early next year. Read More

New Year Could Bring Cold Snap to Eastern and Central U.S., WSI Says

Colder-than-normal temperatures will move into large portions of the eastern and Central United States as 2015 begins, according to Weather Services International, which could put some mid-winter pressure upward on natural gas demand and prices. Read More

Shell Midstream to Seek $785M in IPO

Shell Midstream Partners LP, the oil and natural gas pipeline company backed by Royal Dutch Shell plc, will be seeking more than $785 million in an initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange. Read More

North American Service Intensity at 'Unprecedented Levels,' Says Halliburton Chief

Halliburton Co.'s job board is sold out for equipment in North America as demand continues to increase for the amount of proppant and the amount of stages... Read More

QEP Sells Gas-Rich Midstream Assets to Tesoro for $2.5B

Seeking to improve its financial and competitive positions, Denver-based QEP Resources unit QEP Field Services is selling its natural gas-rich midstream assets to Tesoro Logistic LP (TLLP) in an all-cash transaction valued at $2.5 billion. Read More

Virtual Pipelines Growing in Importance to Get LNG, CNG to Customers

As midstream companies scramble to build and expand large pipeline systems across the country, their counterparts in the energy logistics sector are working quietly to provide complementary services that can't compete with those kind of volumes, but can instead help get natural gas to a growing list of end-users. Read More

LNG First-Mover Algeria Seeking to Grow Exports

It was 50 years ago this month that the Methane Princess delivered the world's first commercial liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo from Algeria to the United Kingdom. Much has changed since, and notably, Algeria could see its profile as an LNG supplier grow while European consumers increasingly turn to the fuel as an alternative to pipeline gas from Russia. Read More

Pemex and Pacific Rubiales Agree to Cooperate on Mexican Oil/NatGas Efforts

Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp., which has a base in Colombia and claims to be the largest independent oil and gas producer in Latin America, have entered into a three-year memorandum of understanding (MOU) to analyze potential oil and natural gas cooperation in Mexico. This will include exploration, deep-water projects, revitalization of mature fields, heavy and extra-heavy oil onshore and offshore fields, high water production fields and other upstream activities. Read More

Volatile Commodity Prices May Impact 2015 Onshore Spending Growth, Says Schlumberger CEO

Whether domestic exploration and production companies will slow 2015 capital expenditures... Read More


Industry Briefs


Strong New England, Great Lakes Balanced by Weak West, Marcellus; Futures Steady

Physical gas for delivery Friday moved little following the release of the weekly Energy Information Administration storage report. Read More

NGPL Offering Capacity on Expansion to Serve Chicago Area

Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC (NGPL) is holding a binding open season through Nov. 17 for the potential expansion of its Gulf Coast mainline system from the Rockies Express Pipeline (REX) interconnection in Moultrie County, IL, to points north on NGPL's system. Read More

NatGas Market Conditions 'Mixed' for Winter 2014-2015, FERC Says

Forecasters are expecting a relatively mild winter this year, and natural gas production continues to break records, but the industry will still face challenges... Read More

Undaunted by Commodity Prices, Kinder Morgan More Bullish on Midstream

When commodity prices are in decline, executives at Kinder Morgan Inc. get even more bullish about opportunities in the midstream sector. Read More

Southwestern Strikes $5B-Plus Deal With Chesapeake for Marcellus/Utica Dry Gas Package

Chesapeake Energy Corp. on Thursday agreed to sell a wide swath of its dry natural gas-heavy assets... Read More

Antero NatGas Output Continues Rising, Liquids Production Climbing Sharply

Antero Resources Corp. reported surging natural gas production once again during the third quarter, with volumes reaching 1.08 Bcfe/d, up 21% from the second quarter and almost double from year-ago volumes (see Shale Daily, Aug. 8; Nov. 8, 2013). Read More

Natural Gas Boom a Catch-22 in Slowing GHG Emissions, Say Researchers

Using plentiful and inexpensive natural gas alone won't slow the growth of global greenhouse gas emissions over the long-term and may in fact contribute to it, according to an analysis by a team of scientists and researchers who worked with the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Read More

Sign Up for Bidweek Alert

NGI's Bidweek Alert - November: Day 2 October 28, 2014
For more detailed information please download the Excel data file
South Texas
Agua Dulce -- --
Florida Gas Zone 1 -- --
NGPL S. TX -- --
Tennessee Zone 0 South -- -0.145 to -0.13
Texas Eastern S. TX -- --
Transco Zone 1 -- -0.10 to -0.08
East Texas
Carthage -- -0.095 to -0.095
Houston Ship Channel 3.55 to 3.55 --
Katy -- --
NGPL TexOk 3.47 to 3.51 -0.075 to -0.07
Tennessee Zone 0 North -- --
Texas Eastern E. TX -- --
Transco Zone 2 -- --
West Texas/SE New Mexico
El Paso Permian 3.38 to 3.41 --
Transwestern 3.35 to 3.39 --
Waha -- --
Alliance -- --
ANR ML7 -- --
Chicago Citygate 3.68 to 3.75 0.125 to 0.125
Consumers Energy -- 0.135 to 0.155
Dawn -- --
Emerson -- --
Joliet -- --
Michigan Consolidated -- 0.13 to 0.155
ANR SW 3.37 to 3.41 --
Enable East -- -0.175 to -0.175
Enable West -- --
NGPL Amarillo Mainline -- --
NGPL Midcontinent 3.37 to 3.40 --
Northern Border Ventura -- --
Northern Natural Demarc 3.63 to 3.65 --
Northern Natural Ventura 3.60 to 3.65 --
OGT 3.31 to 3.33 -0.26 to -0.26
Panhandle Eastern 3.30 to 3.36 -0.27 to -0.20
Southern Star 3.37 to 3.38 --
North Louisiana/Arkansas
Perryville -- --
Texas Eastern, M1, 24 -- --
Texas Gas Zone 1 -- -0.09 to -0.08
Trunkline Zone 1A -- -0.0825 to -0.08
South Louisiana
ANR SE -- -0.075 to -0.0725
Columbia Gulf Mainline -- -0.0925 to -0.085
Columbia Gulf onshore -- --
Florida Gas Zone 2 -- --
Henry Hub -- 0.01 to 0.01
Southern Natural -- -0.0325 to -0.03
Tennessee Line 500 -- -0.05 to -0.05
Tennessee Line 800 -- --
Texas Eastern E. LA -- -0.0825 to -0.0825
Texas Eastern W. LA -- --
Texas Gas Zone SL -- --
Transco Zone 3 -- --
Trunkline E. LA -- --
Trunkline W. LA -- --
Florida Gas Zone 3 -- 0.005 to 0.01
Texas Eastern M-1, 30 -- -0.14 to -0.14
Transco Zone 4 -- -0.025 to -0.02
FGT Citygate -- --
Rocky Mountains
Cheyenne Hub 3.42 to 3.42 --
CIG 3.31 to 3.37 --
CIG DJ Basin 3.29 to 3.32 --
El Paso Bondad -- --
El Paso non-Bondad 3.38 to 3.39 --
Kern River 3.43 to 3.45 --
Kingsgate -- --
Northwest S. of Green River 3.35 to 3.35 --
Northwest Sumas -- --
Northwest Wyoming Pool -- --
Opal 3.41 to 3.45 --
Questar -- --
Stanfield -- --
Transwestern San Juan 3.43 to 3.44 --
White River Hub 3.37 to 3.39 --
Algonquin Citygate -- 1.83 to 2.00
Algonquin Receipts -- --
Clarington (non-Tenn) -- --
Clarington, Tennessee -- --
Columbia Gas -- -0.13 to -0.09
Dominion South -- -1.72 to -1.63
Dominion North -- --
Dracut -- --
Iroquois Zone 2 -- 0.40 to 0.50
Iroquois, Waddington -- 0.30 to 0.375
Lebanon -- --
Leidy Hub -- --
Millennium East Pool -- -1.75 to -1.75
Niagara -- --
Tenn Zone 4 200L -- -1.40 to -1.40
Tennessee Zn 4 313 Pool -- -1.75 to -1.75
Tennessee Zn 4 Marcellus -- -1.95 to -1.95
Tenn Zone 5 200L -- --
Tenn Zone 5 300L -- --
Tenn Zone 6 200L -- 1.83 to 2.00
Tenn Zone 6 300L -- --
Texas Eastern M-2, 30 -- -1.66 to -1.63
Texas Eastern M-2, 30 Delivery -- --
Texas Eastern M-2, 30 Receipt -- -1.66 to -1.63
Texas Eastern M-3 -- -1.53 to -1.40
Texas Eastern M-3, Delivery -- -1.53 to -1.40
Texas Eastern M-3, Receipt -- --
Transco Zone 5 -- 0.12 to 0.15
Transco Zone 6 non-NY -- -1.15 to -0.40
Transco Zone 6 non-NY North -- -1.15 to -1.08
Transco Zone 6 non-NY South -- -0.45 to -0.40
Transco Zone 6 NY -- -1.00 to -1.00
Transco-Leidy Line -- -1.84 to -1.79
El Paso S. Mainline/N. Baja -- --
Kern Delivery -- --
Malin 3.50 to 3.53 --
PG&E Citygate 4.04 to 4.08 --
SoCal Citygate 3.77 to 3.78 --
Southern Border, PG&E 3.60 to 3.60 --
Southern Border, SoCal 3.60 to 3.65 --
SoCal Border Avg. 3.60 to 3.65 --
Empress -- --
Westcoast Station 2 -- --