Series of 35Express meetings to be held

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Officials with the 35Express project are set to hold another series of meetings about the expansion of Interstate 35E.

As construction work has intensified, officials want to keep the public informed about what is being worked on and what the effects will be.

“We’re hoping for an even larger crowd than we had last time, since construction is more visible,” said Kimberly Sims, spokeswoman for the 35Express project.

The expansion will add general-purpose lanes, managed toll lanes and frontage road improvements from Interstate 635 in Dallas County to U.S. Highway 380 in Denton County.

The existing lanes of the highway will remain free. Phase 1 of the project will add an additional free lane each way from State Highway 121 to U.S. 380, as well as two reversible managed lanes from I-635 to an area around Swisher and Turbeville roads. Phase 1 also includes the expansion of the Lewisville Lake Bridge.

Funding for the project is a joint effort between the Texas Department of Transportation, the Regional Transportation Council and multiple regional partners.

Sims said the goal of the upcoming meetings will be to continue to provide a general project overview, including information about work that’s been underway since October and what lies ahead.

The upcoming work will continue to Bonnie Brae, which has seen some demolition work. Loop 288 and the Mayhill bridge have seen work, as well.

Sims said officials are expecting work on Corinth Parkway to start this summer and the work-around over the water at the Lewisville Lake bridge is set to begin in late April or early May.

Sims said that outside of driver discomfort, there have been no big issues with the nightly road closings.

“Traffic slows down a bit, but we find it’s easier to do some of the work we have to do at night, especially the demolition work,” she said. “There’s so much traffic that goes across and underneath during the daytime, it’s more efficient for us to do that kind of work at night.”

BJ LEWIS can be reached at 940-566-6875 and via Twitter at @BjlewisDRC.


The 35Express project will conduct three meetings to inform the public about the ongoing Interstate 35E expansion project:

Today, 6:30 p.m.

Texas Woman’s University

Student Union, Room 207

304 Administration Drive

Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.

MCL Grand Theater

100 N. Charles St.


Thursday, 6:30 p.m.

Farmers Branch City Hall

13000 William Dodson Parkway

Farmers Branch

Those who cannot make the meetings are encouraged to follow them on Twitter at @35Express and tweet questions using #35ExpressChat.

For more information, contact 214-483-7777 or e-mail

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