Emily May, co-founder of Hollaback!, says the viral PSA video shows how simply walking down the street can elicit harassment. (News, USA TODAY)


A woman is verbally harassed, stalked and catcalled more than 100 times in one day while walking around in New York City in a video that has gone viral.

The video, produced by Hollaback!, an organization dedicated to ending street harassment, was posted Tuesday and has amassed more than 6.5 million views in a day, as of Wednesday afternoon.

To create the video, director Rob Bliss wore a GoPro camera hidden in the back of his shirt while he walked in front of volunteer Shoshana Roberts for 10 hours, according to Hollaback!'s website.

"Hey baby!" one man calls to Roberts. One man asks her for her number. Another walks alongside Roberts for five minutes, according to the video.

Bliss told Time that none of the interactions was planned.

"I didn't have any contact with any of these guys. The whole idea was to be a stone wall and just let everyone else bounce off us," he wrote in an e-mail to Time.

Some people online questioned whether all the comments could be considered harassment.

"This is not harassment. It's just compliments," tweeted @DaRealPatrickP.

One polite, nice-meaning comment comes after hearing "comments about your body literally every five minutes," said Emily May, co-founder of Hollaback! "It changes the way you walk down the street."

"These guys might be thinking, 'I'm a nice guy. I just want to tell you you're beautiful.' But as a woman, it's not heard that way," May said.

Street harassment can take many forms, from catcalling to stalking to verbal harassment, according to Hollaback!'s website.

The organization encourages people to report incidences of street harassment, and it has a mobile app for people to share their photos and stories.

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