The Texas Observer

On November 4, Denton will decide whether to become the first city in Texas to ban fracking. Read the full story

On Tuesday, at the end of a re-trial, Ed Graf pleaded guilty to two counts of murder and received a 60-year sentence. But because of a mandatory release policy that was in place at the time of his offense, Graf may be out in just a few months. Observer editor Dave Mann makes sense of all of this.

Associate editor Forrest Wilder recounts the tale of Texas militiaman Charles Gilbert, who joined up with the Texas Border Volunteers to “kick some ass,” but reconsidered when he saw what the group was really up to.

There are real lies being spread by people with far more influence than a suburban Texas high schooler. There is real fear-mongering, and it’s given morbidly gleeful credibility by people who get paid by the byline.

Observer columnist Andrea Grimes in “The Curious Case of the Ebola Troll.” 

After an out-of-control party in an East Texas pasture, locals in Van Zandt County staged a sober counter-party to push back against forces of immorality. That party included a speech from Pastor Dan Cummins who battled against an East Texas storm to deliver his message: “God ain’t through with America yet!”

Read the full story

“You can set up here and watch Fox News and say ‘these alien bastards, we need to shut the border down.’ But what I saw coming through Brooks County was humanity.”—Charles Gilbert. 

Militiaman Charles Gilbert joined the Texas Border Volunteers to “kick some ass,” but the group’s tactics forced him to do some soul-searching. Read his full story

Top photo from the documentary film They Come to America II. Other photos by Jen Reel. 

The Internet is an amazing creation, yes, a testament to human ingenuity in the delivery of both everyday necessities and enjoyable junk. So is the McDonald’s drive-thru. Both entities have by now been recognized as addictive and harmful if frequented too often. Over the past few decades we’ve come to a widespread awareness of what fast food does to our bodies. If we want to maintain the kind of thoughtful, reflective, curious minds that engineered the Internet in the first place, it’s time to face up to what reading online is doing to our brains.” Read more

Photo by Matt Wright-Steel

In this episode, Observer staff writer Emily DePrang discusses Texas’ backlog of untested rape kits and how the Houston Police Department is leading the way, not only in tackling their own backlog, but in changing the way they treat sexual assault victims.

RH Reality Check senior political reporter and Observer columnist Andrea Grimes joins us to make sense of the ongoing legal battles involving Texas’ omnibus anti-abortion bill commonly referred to as HB 2.

Hear more Observer Radio.

On Wednesday, one more innocent man walked away from Texas’ death row. Read the full story on Manuel Velez on

Photo by Emily DePrang.

In Mexico, protesters gathered in the thousands for a march to commemorate the 43 missing students who disappeared after being taken into police custody. Read the full report and see additional photos on

Photos by Hector Vivas.