
Americans for Prosperity is... Economic Freedom in Action

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Will America Fail?

Join us Thursday, October 30, as Ryan Houck, President of Free Market America and author of Will America Fail? explains how Millennials are the solution to a more prosperous America.


What Has Your Representative Done For You?

See what real people think their Representatives have done for them when asked basic questions about their elected officials.

Find Out HERE

Take the Freedom Pledge Today!

The Freedom Pledge is a new social media tool that will help you identify which of your friends are most likely to vote for freedom. Once you find out who they are, take the time to remind them that voting is important. Be an active citizen this Election Day and help others to “get out the vote”!

Take the Pledge!

Vote Early Today!

Can’t make it to the polls on Election Day? No problem. You can get out the vote right now with Early Voting in your state. Depending on your state’s election laws, you may be able to vote in-person or by mail right now. Don’t wait. Cast your ballot and make your voice heard today.

Vote Today

Kill the Death Tax

The death tax, also known as the estate tax, is a tax on a person’s assets at death. When one generation wishes to pass family business assets down to the next generation, the death tax can threaten the continued viability of the business’ operations. Join AFP in repealing the death tax.

Kill the Death Tax
