What is a Portfolio? How do I create one?

Portfolios are customizable websites that allow you to showcase any number of your videos to prospective clients, collaborators, or the world! You can create as many Portfolios as you like, and customize them to your specific tastes without any Vimeo branding.

To create your Portfolio, hover your mouse over Videos in the top navigation bar and click My Portfolios. From there, you’ll want to click Create a new portfolio.

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How do I customize my Vimeo PRO Portfolio?

Once you’ve created a Portfolio, you can choose from our available default Themes to give it a unique look and feel. You can control which details will be displayed along with your videos, and also customize the color scheme, upload a background image and a header logo. For the CSS masters out there, we allow you to change any CSS on your Portfolio pages.

To customize and edit your Portfolio’s Theme, hover your mouse over Videos in the top navigation bar and click My Portfolios. From there, click the little gear icon you see in the in the upper right hand corner of your Portfolio thumbnail image — this will take you to that Portfolio Settings page. Click on the Appearance tab, and then start customizing!

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Can I create a private Portfolio?

You sure can! We offer password protection to secure access to your PRO Portfolios. When creating a new Portfolio, you can choose to password protect it by clicking "Password protect this portfolio" on the “Create a Portfolio” page.

To password protect an existing Portfolio, head to the Privacy tab from the Portfolio Settings page.

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Can I share private videos through a Portfolio?

Yes! When you add videos to a Portfolio, anyone with access to the Portfolio will be able to watch all of the videos inside, regardless of the individual videos' privacy settings. This means that:

If you add private videos to a public Portfolio, anyone will be able to watch the videos through the Portfolio.

If you add private videos to a password protected Portfolio, anyone with the Portfolio password will be able to watch the videos through the Portfolio.

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How do I set up a custom domain for my Vimeo PRO Portfolio?

As a Vimeo PRO member, you are more than welcome to use a custom domain for your Portfolios.

You can use a domain that you already own (http://my-rad-site.com), set up a sub-domain on your existing website (http://portfolio.my-rad-site.com), or purchase a new domain to use (http://my-new-site.com).

Step 1: Set up your domain
  • Purchase a domain from a registrar such as DreamHost.com, name.com, or 1and1.com. 
  • Alternately, you can set up a subdomain on your existing site. (Contact your registrar or hosting service for instructions.)
Step 2: Update your A-Record or CNAME Record
  • If you want your Portfolio to live on your top-level domain (http://my-rad-site.com), follow your domain registrar’s instructions to set the domain’s A-Record to (Note: This IP will be changing soon. We will email you with further instructions.).
  • If you want your Portfolio to live on a subdomain (http://portfolio.my-rad-site.com), you will need to follow your registrar's instructions for updating your CNAME Record so that it points to vimeopro.com.
  • Note: It may take up to 72 hours for these changes to take effect across the Interwebs.
Step 3: Update your Portfolio Settings
  • In your Portfolio Settings, enter your domain or subdomain under the "Portfolio URL" section, in the “Custom” field, then save your changes.
Step 4: Test your new Portfolio domain
  • Open a new browser window and navigate to the domain or subdomain you just set up. You should now see your Portfolio! If you don't see it, and it has been more than 72 hours since you updated your A-Record or CNAME Record, contact your domain registrar for further assistance.

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Can I arrange the order of videos in my Portfolio?

Yes! From the Videos menu, select My Portfolios. Click the gear icon on any Portfolio to access your Portfolio Settings. Make your way over to the Videos tab and choose the way you'd like to arrange your videos from the "Always arrange by" dropdown menu. 

If you choose "manually," drag and drop up to 100 videos in any order you want and save your changes. 

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