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Dr. Sam Brody: I Think This Is a Loaded Gun, In Terms Of a Catastrophe

Texans Together, Jackie Young of the San Jacinto River Coalition and Dr. Sam Brody of Texas A&M University Galveston address the potentially disastrous effects hurricanes could have on local toxic waste sites

Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Sam Brody of Texas A&M released his findings on the San Jacinto Waste Pits during a press conference at the Leonel Castillo Community Center. 

 “I think given the vulnerability of the site and the probability of another major storm inundating those pits, communities should be aware of the risk.” He said.

While most are aware that Houston is one of the world’s most hurricane prone areas, many do not know that an area hurricane could cause a catastrophe in East Harris County because of the waste pits, where toxic materials are temporarily capped near the Texas Coast. When a hurricane or tidal surge hits this site, chemicals from these pits will likely be dispersed across East Harris County and Galveston Bay. The result would be a health, environmental and taxpayer catastrophe.

According to Jackie Young, it is not a question of if the dangerous toxins will spread far beyond the pits – but only a question of when.

Dr. Brody agreed.

“I think this is a loaded gun, in terms of a catastrophe. Not just from flooding, but environmental as well. And not just to the residences, but the bay as a whole, which is one of our major treasures of our Texas Coast.”

Jackie Young, whose own contact with the toxins became the subject of a full-page editorial cartoon in the Houston Chronicle, closed the conference by noting the importance of fully removing these hazardous wastes before the toxins spread beyond their temporary caps.

“If the sediment is distributed throughout the local environment moreso than it has been in the past, it’s going to be the communities that bear that burden.” Young said. 

Check out the full press conference here.


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