Past Texas Severance Tax Incentives

  • Co-Production.  (adopted by 73rd Legislature – 1993) Gas and crude oil from Commission-approved co-production  projects is eligible for severance tax exemption (gas) or reduced rate  severance tax (oil). These projects are being carried under the Enhanced Oil  Recovery tax program.  The program  became effective September 1, 1993 with an application filing deadline of  December 31, 1993.  Exemption for gas  and reduced rate for oil is through August 31, 2001.  The traditional definition of co-production is based on work done  in the late 1970s.  Under Gas Research  Institute grants, work was done on the Gulf Coast in very deep brine  aquifers.  Enormous volumes of water  were produced to capture small amounts of entrained gas.  While technically feasible, the attempt was  an economic washout.  The co-production  tax program was aimed at a limited number of sites. 
  • New Field Discovery Wells, the Texas Discovery 1994 Incentive. (adopted by 73rd Legislature – 1993) This incentive granted  severance tax credits if the number of new field discoveries spudded in Texas  during 1994 reached certain levels.  If  521 discovery wells were spudded, each of the spudding operators would be  eligible to receive $10,000 severance tax credit.  If 721 or more discovery wells were spudded, the total tax credit  would be $25,000.  Then, if 842  discovery wells were spudded, there would be an additional $25,000 in credit  available for each infield well brought into production during a ten-year  period from the date of the discovery well if the discovery well is still  producing; this credit would be available to the discovery well spudding  operator no matter who drills or produces the infield wells.  Such a severance tax credit could be used on  any production from any field and would also be fully transferable.  The discovery goals were not achieved and  this incentive program ended.
  • The Three-Year Inactive Well Incentive  (adopted by 73rd  Legislature  – 1993)Beginning  September 1, 1993 through February 29, 1996,the Commission designated wellbores  with no more than one month of production in the preceding 3 years as  candidates for the 3-year inactive wellbore incentive. If a designated wellbore  was brought back to production the crude oil, gas well gas, and casinghead gas  produced was eligible for a severance tax exemption for up to 10 years or until  January 31, 2006.  Wells designated  under the three-year program, but not brought back to production before the  February 1996 deadline were re-designated under the Two-Year Inactive Well  Incentive Program described below.   If the ownership of the well is transferred, the new operator may transfer  the exemption for the remainder of the ten years.
  • The Incremental Production Incentive (adopted by 75th Legislature – 1997)Leases  with wells that averaged seven BOE (barrels of oil equivalent) a day or less in  1996 are eligible for a fifty percent tax reduction on incremental  production.  The period from September  1, 1997 through December 31, 1998 is used to determine any increase in  production over the 1996 baseline level. Primary, secondary, or tertiary techniques  may be used to increase production; the primary production technique must  involve an expenditure of at least $5,000.   The exemption is granted as long as the price of oil, as judged by the  Comptroller, remains below $25 (adjusted to 1997 dollars).  It is suspended if the price reaches $25 or  above for three consecutive months and reinstated when it is below $25 for  three consecutive months.  Certification  for this incentive program has ended.
  • Temporary Severance Tax Relief for Marginal Wells  (SB290) (adopted by 76th Legislature – 1999)This  emergency legislation provided short-term severance tax relief to producers of  marginal oil and gas wells when oil and gas prices fell below certain low  levels.  If wells qualified and the  State Comptroller certified low prices, crude oil, gas well gas, and/or  casinghead gas produced between February 1, 1999 and July 31, 1999 was exempt  from severance taxes.

    Qualification for Eligibility. An oil lease or gas well had to be qualified as eligible for the  tax exemption by the Railroad Commission. The Commission made this  determination based on reported production during the three-month qualifying  period of October, November, and December 1998. Gas wells qualified if their  average daily production was 90 MCF or less per day during the qualifying  period. Oil leases qualified if their average daily production per well was 15  barrels per day or less during the qualifying period.
    Certification of Low Prices. The average price certified  by the Comptroller for a particular month had to be below a certain trigger  price: for gas it was $1.80 per MMBtu of gas; for oil it was $15 per barrel of  oil. The average closing price of the NYMEX (New York Mercantile Exchange) was  used. When the low price for oil was certified for three consecutive months,  oil production for the following month from a qualified low producing oil lease  was exempt. Likewise, if the Comptroller certified low gas prices for three  consecutive months, gas production for the following month from qualified  low-producing gas wells and oil leases was exempt. The first determination was  made for the three-month period beginning November 1, 1998. Based on  Comptroller price numbers, qualified oil production for February, March, and  April of 1999 was exempted from severance tax payment by this program.

    Oil prices triggered  exemption for February, March, and April 1999 oil production.  Natural gas prices did not reach the trigger  point so no natural gas production was eligible for the tax exemption.

Last Updated: 4/15/2014 7:37:45 PM