Well Location Maps Available for Purchase

The Railroad Commission maintains maps showing historical, current, and proposed well locations


As part of its mandate to regulate the drilling and production of the oil and gas industry in Texas, the Railroad Commission maintains maps showing historical, current, and proposed well locations. In the past, manually drawn maps were used. These maps become worn and overcrowded with handwritten data. In most cases, copies could not be made for the public because the base maps were copyrighted. Today, computerized well location maps are used and are easier to maintain, more legible, available to the public, and more up-to-date. The original hardcopy well maps are retained for researching older wells.


  • Fall 1984, the Commission began building a computerized well location mapping system.
  • June 1994, the base map and original Texas land survey data layers were completed.
    September 1995, the well data layer was completed.
  • December 1999, the computerized mapping database was successfully converted to Arc/Info GIS software.


Each computerized map corresponds geographically to a single U. S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangle, which is approximately 7 by 8 miles in size. Because the well location maps are based on these quads, it is possible to relate wells to other information, such as elevation contours. In addition, latitude/longitude and state plane coordinates can be measured.


The computerized maps show various kinds of base data for reference purposes. Included are county and city boundaries, major roads and waterways, and original land surveys.

The survey information was mapped through a two-step process. First, the lines were manually transferred from Texas General Land Office county survey maps onto USGS 7.5-minute quad maps using cultural features, such as roads and fences, for reference. The survey lines and related annotation were then digitized from the quad maps into the mapping system.


Each well symbol represents a single wellbore; one wellbore may correspond to several well completions. Various symbols are used to indicate the status of a wellbore. An attempt is made to reflect the current well status and identify the API (American Petroleum Institute) number for each wellbore.

One or two identification numbers appear next to most well symbols. The first number is the most recent operator's well number. The second number is the last five digits of the standard API number assigned to the wellbore. Adding a three-digit county code before the five-digit number forms the complete API number. Follow this link to view county codes.


Inkjet plots of 7.5-minute quadrangle map areas and screen plots of specific surveys can be purchased on a cost recovery basis. Commission standard data and scale options may be selected when ordering inkjet plots. In addition to wells and survey information, the maps include highways, water features, cemeteries, airports, political boundaries, and government lands.

Particularly crowded areas, within a quad, are plotted separately at a scale of 1" = 400' or 1" = 200' for legibility. The Well Mapping Section personnel can assist in determining which maps are needed to cover an area of interest.

Well information is updated daily through processing incoming applications to drill, completion reports, and plugging reports.

Scale: 1" = 1,200' (standard product - map size 36” X 44”)
1" = 2,000' (some map features/text may not be legible – map size 24” X 28”)
view sample quad plot (large image file - 228KB)
view map legend (PDF)
Cost: $27.00 (quadrangle map 1”=1200’ & crowded areas at 1”=400’ or 1”=200’)
$15.00 (quadrangle map 1”=2000’)
$8.00 up to $42.00 (screen plot – price based on size of plotted map)

When ordering maps through the Railroad Commission, the county name and 7.5-minute quadrangle name are needed to fill your request. To obtain a quadrangle name, go to the RRC's Public GIS Map Viewer. Additional information is also available from the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS)


view sample report page (PDF Format)

A report listing current well information by API number is available for each quad map. This information includes operator name, lease name, lease and/or gas ID number, permit number, total depth, field/reservoir, and completion/plug dates. The report contains data for the API numbers that have been identified on the map; this includes most wells permitted since 1977 when the Commission began assigning permit numbers. The information provided in this report can also be used for locating Commission well records and accessing Commission oil and gas production data using the Production Data Query application The cost of a full report varies according to the number of wells in the quad. When well information is needed for a screen plot, which includes portions of one or more quads, a report must be generated for each full quad.


To place requests for well location map products printed on paper (inkjet plots) or for more information about printed well location map products, visit the Central Records Section at the Commission's Austin Office, William B. Travis Building, Room 10-100.

Requests for well location map products in paper format may also be placed by contacting the Well Mapping Section at rrc.mapping@rrc.state.tx.us or (512) 463-6851.

Please provide the following information when placing your map order:

  • Your Name and/or Company Name:
  • Mailing Address:
  • Daytime Telephone Number:
  • Shipping Method: U. S. Postal Service or courier service (FedEx, UPS, DHL, or Lonestar). If you have an account with one of the courier services, please provide that account number and the courier will bill you directly.
  • Method of Payment: check, MasterCard or Visa
  • Map Name: quad name, quad number, or special map name (ex. OGM0027)
  • Map Scale: 1”=1,200’ or 1”= 2,000’ (for quad map orders)

Please do not submit any credit card information at this time. You will be contacted by phone by a representative from the Commission's Central Records section with the total cost of your order and for credit card information if applicable. After your payment is received, your order will be processed and delivered.

Railroad Commission of Texas
Administration Division
Central Records Section
P. O. Box 12967
Austin, TX 78711-2967
Railroad Commission of Texas
Administration Division
Central Records Section
William B. Travis Bldg., Rm. 10-100
1701 N. Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78701


To place requests for digital well location map data or for information about data formats, software requirements, or prices (by county or statewide), visit the Digital Map Data page or call the Central Records Section's Electronic Data Coordinator at (512) 463-6882.


Mapping data sets were generated from the Geographic Information System of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Base map information was obtained from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle maps. Patent Survey lines from Texas General Land Office maps were interpreted onto the U.S. Geological Survey base. Oil and gas well data and pipeline data were obtained from public records at the Railroad Commission of Texas. Mapping data sets are provided for informational purposes only. These data sets are continually being updated and refined. Users are responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, currency, and/or suitability of these data sets themselves. This is not a survey grade product and should not be used to define or establish survey boundaries.

Last Updated: 4/15/2014 5:30:58 PM