This excitement stems from the fact that Cameo, a wonderful application for your iOS device, just became part of the Vimeo family. Hooray for expanding families!

Here are answers to some questions you may have:

What is Cameo?
Cameo is a cool app that enables you (or anyone!) to make very nice videos on your phone. You can shoot, edit, add licensed music, pop on some stylish effects, and post your video up for the world to see.

Can I use Cameo right now?
Indeed. You can get Cameo in the App Store, which we encourage you to do, because it is free, and also easy to use. Also did we mention FUN???

Can I put my Cameos on Vimeo?
Yes. Save your Cameo to your Camera Roll, then upload it to Vimeo. Voilà.

Why did Vimeo and Cameo get together?
Because the names of our companies sound so much alike. Hopefully some other good things will come out of it as well.

We will have more updates on this joyous business commingling shortly. Thank you for your attention, and welcome to Vimeo, Cameo!

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islebehere PRO

awesome addition! too bad there's no droid app. =\

ابراهيم السعدى

ابراهيم السعدى

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‎‎منشور‎ by ‎ابراهيم السعدي‎.‎

ابراهيم السعدى

ابراهيم السعدى

.مع المبدع ابراهيم السعدي للإبداع.. و للخلاصات الفلسفية و المنطقية خطاط ومدرب خط عربى و فناااااااااااااااااان وهناك العديد من المهارات الاخرى وصاحب منشئة (انتيكات السعدي ) لبيع وتصنيع وشراء جميع انواع الانتيكات _ اعمال يدوية فنية توريد الفنون والصناعات اليدوي ة ذات الكلمات الدلالية ي

Andy Thompson

Andy Thompson PRO

This is the greatest Cameo ever.

So pumped to be working and hanging out with you guys full time! P.S. do I owe Pile a new Lenovo?

Michael Mba

Michael Mba

hahahahahaha... someone found a use for them. hurrah! lol

MotusWorks Media

MotusWorks Media PRO

"Cameo, a wonderful application for your mobile phone, "
With Android having a 79% market share by itself, this statement isn't even 20% true. Don't talk with your mouth full of kool-aid. :-)

Suggested correction: "Cameo, a wonderful application for your iOS device, "

Russ Anthony 411

Russ Anthony 411 Plus

I downloaded it, but any option to login with Vimeo account instead of Facebook or starting new Cameo account?

Nagesh Kandel

Nagesh Kandel

haha! because names of our companies sound alike.. n what a video.. lol


CCA Plus

Took me a minute to figure out Cameo and how to upload to Vimeo and now that I've done it I like the two for quick, impromptu filming.



this is awesome

Sandra Steele

Sandra Steele

Where's the android app? Life isn't just about apple products.

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Vimeo and Cameo just became family, so it will most likely take some time to expand onto other platforms.



Both of us Windows Phone people will be over here. You know. Waiting. For probably nothing. *sigh*

Sandy Brown Jensen

Sandy Brown Jensen Plus

Okay, tried Cameo.Fun. But I couldn't save it to my Camera Roll and I couldn't download it. Will it embed in my Word Press blog? Couldn't see an intuitive way to add captions. Not sure what Vimeo thinks it's going to do with Cameo, but perhaps something with more flexibility?
Loved the themes.
Song selection okay for kidz--couldn't easily locate Hawaiian, Latin, chill electronica. Still, impressive!
I think there's real potential...
My Cameo!


Tima Plus

and what about Windows Phone ?

don dada

don dada

cameo will always be the funk band, nothing else -- but nice choice for an app name. ;)


Dersu Plus

I'm not happy with this changes! -> more trash....:(
Please invest your time and money for a Search Engine, which find something and a better player!



Haahhaah more than a Film lol great actions guys!



Ahm ok, Vimeo is a great site and all the other stuff... but the Android app sucks. Just this.

Ken Gagne

Ken Gagne Plus

I think Andrea's spirit animal is the labrador. SHE JUST LOVES EVERYBODY

jason bass

jason bass

please fix the android app guys!



I used to be able to add music from my phone yet now it seems only the tracks offered by Cameo are an option.. I understand copyrights and such, but i have tracks from musicians I work with who love any extra exposure or make myself, is this option going to return?



Will video ROI additions come from this merger?

The Meme-ing Dead

The Meme-ing Dead

Yeah, *yawn* wake me up when Vimeo decides to make some good business decision and put out a Cameo app for Android - You know, the more than 10 times LARGER market share than crapple? DUH! Way to lose out on 80% of the market. X-D

Kerem Gogus

Kerem Gogus

That's the most stupid thing I've ever seen.

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