What are tags?

Tags are keywords or terms that describe your video. For example, if you tag your Hawaii vacation video with the words “Hawaii” and “vacation” you'll be able to easily find other related videos and it makes it easier for other Vimeo users to find your videos. Everybody wins!

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Is there a limit on the number of tags I can add to a video?

You can use up to 20 tags for each video. We encourage you to add only relevant tags as too many tags can make your video harder to find.

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Why should I tag my videos?

Tagging your videos makes it easier for other Vimeo users to find them in searches and on tag pages. This way, folks can find your videos that interest them more easily.

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I've tagged my videos, why aren't they appearing in searches?

If you have just recently uploaded a new video, or just recently made it public, it may take a little while to show up in our search results. If your videos do not appear in search results after a day, try adding more relevant terms to the description or title of your video, that will help.

Unfortunately special characters will not work in your tags.

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Can I follow a tag?

You betcha’! Visit vimeo.com/tag:XXXX (where XXXX is your tag term) and click Follow. Once you follow a tag, every video with that tag will show up in your feed. Ta-da!

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