Video: EagleRidge ignores fracking worker safety

by TXsharon on October 16, 2013

in Denton, EagleRidge, Frack Sand

We already know that EagleRidge is a terrible neighbor!

  1. An EagleRidge Operating worker was indicted in June 2012 on a felony charge of illegally dumping. City employees visiting the company’s well site in the 3100 block of Airport Road found a pump forcing contaminated water into a tributary of Hickory Creek. LINK
  2. EagleRidge was operating wells in Denton without a permit. LINK
  3. EagleRidge had a blowout in Denton that got “sanitized.” LINK  But it didn’t stay “sanitized.” LINK
  4. EagleRidge is drilling in a Denton neighborhood less than 200 feet from homes.
  5. EagleRidge is drilling in Mansfield and polluting air, violating sound ordinances and dividing neighbors. LINK

So it’s no surprise to learn that EagleRidge is a terrible employer that lacks regard for worker safety. Yesterday I stopped to take photos and video at an EagleRidge frack site. The video and the rest of this blog post is on EarthBlog where they have finally reinstated comments after the epic comment spamming event.

P.S. I called OSHA to make a complaint but, unless you are reporting a fatality, no one is home “due to the suspension of Federal Government services.”

closeHere’s a closeup of one of the workers. As you can see, he is not wearing breathing protection.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

FC October 16, 2013 at 4:00 pm

of interest – plastics industry depends on fracking these days –
FC recently posted..Plastic Manufacturing Depends on FrackingMy Profile


Tim Ruggiero October 17, 2013 at 12:25 am

If EagleRidge issued proper safety equipment to their own employees, then they would also have to issue the same equipment to the people who live near their sites. And ER can’t have that, because then they would essentially be admitting this activity is dangerous. That’s not a discussion they want to have. At the same time, I’m relatively certain that ER have already taken steps to protect themselves; probably the signs that are on the gates and throughout the site, and probably something with the employee’s signature on it that requires them to use ‘proper safety gear’ at all times. Besides, who is going to complain and to whom?


SharonKnowsMe October 17, 2013 at 11:24 am
TXsharon October 17, 2013 at 11:29 am

Great news! Go Romania!


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