North Texas had another earthquake

by TXsharon on June 30, 2012

in earthquakes, Uncategorized

This one was a 2.3M and was in the same area as the others.

Event Page

That makes 6 quakes this month in that same area.

Here is a map of the area sent by a reader.


Update: In May 2009, there were about 17 “minor” earthquakes in Irving. I think the largest was 3.3M. During one of those “minor” earthquakes, the Boy Scout Museum sustained $100,000 in foundation damage.

“I thought, ‘Wow, an earthquake,'” said museum director Janice Babineaux.

People inside the museum at the time of the quake felt the ground shake.

Who pays for the damaged foundations?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

David July 1, 2012 at 3:16 pm

Earth Quakes in the area since January:

2012,01,06,061147.80, 32.782, -96.685,2.1, 5,PDE-W
2012,01,18,223054.96, 32.372, -97.487,3.3, 5,PDE-W
2012,06,04,043738.15, 32.359, -97.365,2.3, 5,PDE-Q
2012,06,15,070233.17, 32.462, -97.273,3.2, 5,PDE-Q
2012,06,23,054432.47, 32.401, -97.246,2.1, 5,PDE-Q
2012,06,24,174644.84, 32.429, -97.273,3.6, 5,PDE-Q
2012,06,25,055911.68, 31.990, -96.633,2.2, 4,PDE-Q
2012,06,26,040320.61, 32.383, -97.213,2.6, 4,PDE-Q
2012,06,29,182732.38, 32.366, -97.326,2.3, 5,PDE-Q


David July 2, 2012 at 9:48 pm

“I thought a truck hit my house,” said Becca Miller of Keene, whose home at the southeast corner of South College Drive and First Street in Keene was damaged in the second earthquake.

Keene police dispatcher Elizabeth Barber received calls from concerned residents saying items were knocked off walls and shelves, but no damage was reported, she said.

The Emergency Dispatch Center in Burleson reported feeling the quake.

“I rushed outside, but there was no truck,” Miller said. “It took a few seconds for me to realize we had an earthquake.”

Miller’s house sustained cracks in the walls of two rooms, a separation in the roof at the gable, and a foundation that dropped a couple of inches on the east side.


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