ReadyRosie provides educational videos for preschool children

When former teacher Emily Roden could not find ways to help her young children prepare for preschool, she decided to do something about it.

“As a working mom, I wanted to know how to teach my children with such limited time,” said Roden, who recently worked as a consultant in the educational publishing industry.

With that challenge in mind, Roden launched an online education technology platform called ReadyRosie, named after her oldest daughter. The Denton startup, launched in 2012, creates short instructional videos aimed at helping parents engage children from infants to preschoolers.

ReadyRosie works with 13 Texas school districts, including Arlington, Denton and Fort Worth. The subscription price for each district depends on size and ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 a year.

“We have seen a steady and strong increase in sales since we first launched the product,” Roden said, noting that the company expects to be profitable this year. “The last six months have been our strongest, and we are growing month over month in revenue.”

ReadyRosie employs seven people, including education development specialists and a film crew.

Roden founded the business with Luke Dodson, who has a background in Web strategy and marketing.

After working from home and coffee shops, Roden and the ReadyRosie team will soon move into an office in downtown Denton to accommodate the startup’s growth.

With prekindergarten readiness a concern for parents and educators in Texas and across the nation, early childhood education programs like ReadyRosie see more business opportunities to help address the issue.

School districts are seeking new educational platforms, while spending more on technology and new tools to prepare toddlers for preschool.

More funding

President Barack Obama has proposed working with states to make high-quality preschool available to all children, and more states are increasing funding state pre-K programs.

State funding for prekindergarten services rose $363.6 million to total about $5.6 billion in fiscal 2014, a 7 percent increase from fiscal 2013, according to a recent report by the Education Commission of the States.

In Texas, prekindergarten funding grew $47.8 million, to $750 million.

Roden’s startup also represents the larger role that technology plays in education.

According to the Center for Digital Education, U.S. public schools, colleges and universities will spend $20.4 billion on technology this year.

One education expert says technology also can play a role for preschool children.

“Technology can help families with young children prepare for school if the activities are open-ended and create spaces for conversation and relationship-building,” said Jennifer Adair, assistant professor of early childhood education and cultural studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

ReadyRosie uses writers who specialize in early childhood education, and it surveys parents twice a year to gauge the videos’ reach and to track children’s improvement.

Online platform

Roden found that more than 90 percent of parents of children 6 years old and younger in Texas are online at least once a day.

She believes ReadyRosie’s online platform is more effective than previous methods and reaches more families.

“In the past, schools spent money on after-school programs or sent books home,” she said. “These methods only reached 5 to 10 percent of families, and there was no data on the effectiveness.”

ReadyRosie subscribers receive a new video, available in English and Spanish, daily. Parents watch these videos on a computer or mobile device with their children and re-enact the shown activity.

Parents, teachers and child care providers who live in school districts with ReadyRosie contracts have free access.

The videos focus on literacy, math, speech and language, and correlate to the Kindergarten Common Core Standards.

ReadyRosie videos are filmed throughout the Dallas area in parks, grocery stores, libraries and other locations. ReadyRosie subscribers and their children often appear in these videos.

One video shows a mother and son in the kitchen as she’s loading the dishwasher. The mother asks her son to play a game with her and describe pantry items based on size, shape and texture.

So far, ReadyRosie has uploaded more than 500 videos.

District’s perspective

Chris Shade, director of school improvement and support with the Denton Independent School District, says ReadyRosie provides guidance to parents of the district’s incoming students.

Not only does ReadyRosie promote school readiness, but it also promotes interaction between parents and their children, Shade said.

“We believe that parent engagement on a daily basis is critical to a child’s development,” Shade said. “We as parents just need a prompt; we don’t have to be experts.”

The school district implemented ReadyRosie a year and a half ago as part of Denton County’s Pre-Kindergarten Coalition, a group supporting kindergarten readiness.

Shade said ReadyRosie is gaining traction among parents.

The most recent report evaluating ReadyRosie, released in April, showed that 3,650 people in the district had accessed ReadyRosie. Of these users, 537 accessed ReadyRosie five times a week. More than 90 percent of its users accessed it at least three times a week.

Parent sees progress

Allison Kami, who lives in the Denton ISD, has watched ReadyRosie videos with her 3-year-old daughter for a year and a half.

Kami says her daughter now recognizes more letters and understands basic mathematical skills such as adding and grouping.

“I don’t even think she knows that she’s learning,” said Kami, whose daughter will start preschool this summer.

In addition to those in Texas, school districts in New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Oregon use ReadyRosie. Roden says more districts, including those in San Antonio and Pittsburgh, plan to implement ReadyRosie in the fall.

“My ultimate vision is that ReadyRosie will become a ubiquitous resource throughout the pre-K space,” Roden said.

On Twitter:  @ArseliaGales

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