
Journalism in the Public Interest


PR Over People: The Red Cross’ Secret Disaster

After Superstorm Sandy, Americans opened their wallets to the Red Cross. They trusted the charity and believed it was up to the job. They were wrong.

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A Kansas Group’s Push to Oust Judges Reveals a Gap in Campaign Finance Rules
Tobacco Settlement Funds Sprinklers, Golf Carts and a Grease Trap
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Ask ProPublica Anything About the American Red Cross and Its Secret Sandy Disaster

Our reporters are opening up their investigation into the Red Cross, its disaster relief efforts and where it failed. Join the discussion.

Podcast: Court’s Mistake Helps Draw Back the Curtain on Dark Money

Theo Meyer discusses an accidentally released document that showed how a mining company’s secret donations helped pass a bill in Wisconsin.

Judge Doesn’t ‘Think’ Police are Abusing Spy Technology, and More in MuckReads

Some of the best #MuckReads we read this week. Want to receive these by email? Sign up to get this briefing delivered to your inbox every weekend.

The Millions New York Counties Coulda Got

New York counties were promised annual payments from tobacco companies as part of a national settlement to reimburse them for smoking-related health care costs. Some made deals to get up front cash instead of long term payments. Here's what they gave up.

How One New York County Fell Into the Tobacco Debt Trap

A refinance of Niagara County’s tobacco bonds was good news — but for investors, not taxpayers.

How We Analyzed New York County Tobacco Bonds

Users can see how interest rates and declining cigarette sales affect the bottom line for counties that borrowed against income from the landmark tobacco settlement.

The Big Bank Backlash Begins

The Best Investigative Reporting on Campaign Finance Since 2012

From dark money to a mysterious super PAC donor, here are a few of the best investigations of money in politics since the last elections.

Podcast: When U.S. Companies Help the NSA

Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson on blurring borders in an Internet age and the tension between national security and personal privacy.

Why The Poor Pay $1,400 for Old iPads and More in MuckReads Weekly

Some of the best #MuckReads we read this week. Want to receive these by email? Sign up to get this briefing delivered to your inbox every weekend.

For the Next Attorney General, a Modest Suggestion: Fix Presidential Pardons

More than two years ago, a ProPublica series showed that white applicants were far more likely to receive clemency than comparable applicants who were black. Since then, the government has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a study, but the pardons system remains unchanged.

NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

Documents describe "contractual relationships" between NSA and U.S. companies, as well as undercover operatives at some U.S. companies.

Charter School Power Broker Turns Public Education Into Private Profits

Baker Mitchell is a politically connected North Carolina businessman who celebrates the power of the free-market. Every year, millions of public education dollars flow through Mitchell’s chain of four nonprofit charter schools to for-profit companies he controls.

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The way lenders and collectors pursue consumer debt has undergone an aggressive transformation in America. Collectors today don’t give up easy, often pursuing debts for years. It’s now routine for companies to sue debtors, then seize their wages or the cash in their bank accounts. For many people, these changes have profoundly affected their lives.

8 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Company That Sues Soldiers Pledges Reform, Changes Name

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Dispatches from Freedom Summer

In 1964, whites and blacks joined to, as some put it, drag Mississippi back into the United States. Violence erupted. Lives were lost. But change was wrought, too.

10 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Keep on Pushing

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NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

Documents describe "contractual relationships" between NSA and U.S. companies, as well as undercover operatives at some U.S. companies.

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Temp Land

Temp employment is climbing to record levels following the Great Recession. The system benefits brand-name companies but harms American workers through lost wages, high injury rates, few if any benefits, and little opportunity for advancement.

14 Stories in the Series. Latest:

California Governor Signs Bill to Protect Temp Workers

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Do you know a child who has been forcibly restrained or secluded at school? Help us investigate by sharing your story.

3 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Federal Investigators Crack Down on Two Virginia Schools’ Use of Restraints

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