
Ash Carter vs. Barack Obama’s Yogi Berra Foreign Policy

Why an excellent choice for SecDef is likely to see his tenure, like his predecessors’, end in tears.



One Nation, Divided Under Law

If Israel chooses Jewishness over democracy, the third intifada is not far behind.



Swedish Women vs. Vladimir Putin

Sweden says it will pursue a feminist foreign policy to counter macho Russian aggression... even if no one really knows what that means.

Breaking News

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The Cable

Navy Engineer Indicted for Trying to Steal Plans for the USS Gerald R. Ford

Mostafa Ahmed Awwad, a 35-year-old employee of the Navy, was indicted Friday for trying to steal plans for the USS Gerald R. Ford, the Navy’s ...


U.N. Human Rights Experts Slam U.S. for Garner and Brown Killings

On an almost daily basis, U.S. officials in Washington and around the world issue statements criticizing the human rights records of other countries. Just on ...

The Cable

Was the Sony Hack an Inside Job?

There are growing questions about whether North Korea is responsible for a hack of Sony Pictures that tech experts are describing as one of the ...


Carter Nomination Sets Up Senate Critique of Obama Policies

President Barack Obama Friday nominated Ash Carter to succeed Chuck Hagel as the next defense secretary, capping a week of uncertainty about who will fill ...


Reread: Chinese Are Whispering About the Possible Fall of Former Security Czar Zhou Yonkang

It was an easy story to miss. On Feb. 22, the Beijing newspaper China Business Herald, citing an anonymous source, reported that PetroChina International Vice ...


Welcome Back, Dr. Carter

Ashton Carter will be the next secretary of defense, if Congress agrees to confirm him. It is not the first time Ash Carter has set ...


Keeping Tunisia in the Dark

In the early days after the uprising that pushed out Tunisia’s ruling regime in January 2011, reform-minded Tunisians in all sectors saw the popular demands ...

Tea Leaf Nation

On First Annual Constitution Day, China’s Most Censored Word Was ‘Constitution’

On Dec. 4, China’s first annual Constitution Day, Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily posted the complete text of the Chinese constitution to its Weibo microblogging ...


Can Nigeria's government use vigilantes to its advantage battling Boko Haram?

This past May, the Nigerian city of Jos, which lies along the country's "middle belt," where the majority-Muslim north meets the largely Christian south, was ...


A Good ‘Freeze’ in Aleppo Is Not Enough

As the Obama administration searches for a Syria policy, some officials have become intrigued by an old idea that the United Nations now hopes could ...

Defense Secretary Hagel Discusses Department’s Recent Progress On Addressing Sexual Assaults In The Military

The U.S. Military’s Continuing Sexual Assault Problem

The Pentagon said a broad push to prevent sexual assault within its ranks was paying off, pointing to a new survey showing a drop in ...


The General Disagreement on Tariffs and Trade

Nearly 70 years ago, with fresh memories of the disastrous trade wars of the 1930s, leaders of the United States and 22 other countries launched ...

Developing Stories

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    Demolition Derby

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  • White House and Top Democrat Clash Over Iran’s Nuclear Program

    White House and Top Democrat Clash Over ...

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Do Americans Care About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

Do Americans Care About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

Navy Engineer Indicted for Trying to Steal Plans for the USS Gerald R. Ford

Navy Engineer Indicted for Trying to Steal Plans for the USS Gerald R. Ford

Welcome Back, Dr. Carter

Welcome Back, Dr. Carter

Keeping Tunisia in the Dark

Keeping Tunisia in the Dark

Carter Nomination Sets Up Senate Critique of Obama Policies

Carter Nomination Sets Up Senate Critique of Obama Policies

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