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Colbert Tackles GamerGate
Stephen Colbert has a chat with Anita Sarkeesian, who has been one of the higher-profile women harassed online. Read more...
Pat Robertson Scorns Terminally Ill Woman For Promoting Liberal 'Culture Of Death' With Assisted Suicide
Pat Robertson and others at his Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) on Wednesday told a terminally ill woman that she was making a mistake if she chose to end her life on her terms. Read more...
Chris Christie Tells Sandy Victim To 'Sit Down And Shut Up'
Nothing says compassion like being told you're a jerk for holding a sign, right? Read more...
Tea Partier: Bible Allows Us To 'Self-Govern' According To Judeo-Christian Worldview
You would never know, from listening to right wingers, just how skeptical our Founders were of organized religion. Read more...