Dirty tricks and deceptive polling anger Denton residents

by TXsharon on October 11, 2014

in Denton

The fracking industry is covering Denton in layers of slick, deceptive mailers and now they are doing more manipulative polling calls. All this is only serving to anger Denton residents.

shooting-yourself-in-the-footFrom Facebook:

Just received a very interesting survey call. The industry folks must be nervous. The caller invoked Putin and Russia, and Al-qaeda and Al Jazzera in trying to get me to try to change my mind about how I intend to vote on November 4. Misinformation and scare tactics don’t work with this lady, folks. VOTE FOR THE BAN ON THE FOURTH!!!!!!!


She also asked me if I would still vote for the ban if I knew that Obama and the democratic party were giving money to the Denton leaders that supported the ban. As if! Obama is pretty much pro-gas, so far, so that was pretty stupid!

You cannot believe, Dear Readers, the dirty tricks the opposition is pulling out of their sleaze bag. Someday soon, I hope I can share ALL those with you. Until then, carry on. These dirty tricks are a sign of desperation.

UPDATE:  Here is the latest mailer which burns with irony since high levels of benzene were detected in McKenna Park more than once. (Larger version HERE)

OppoMailer OppoMailer

Side 2 (larger version HERE)


 UPDATE 2: Just heard that donations are flowing in at http://frackfreedenton.com/ in response to the latest dirty tricks.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Tim Ruggiero October 11, 2014 at 10:15 pm

The new slogan in Industry is a call for everyone to support ‘responsible’ drilling. Why not just a call to ‘support drilling’, what’s with the ‘responsible’ part? Here’s the answer: Even the frackers know there exists IRRESPONSIBLE drilling-Like EagleRidge does as a matter of course. I sure would like to know from Industry what their definition of ‘responsible’ is, and who, exactly, are the ‘responsible’ drillers.


Alberta Neighbor October 11, 2014 at 11:59 pm

“What kind of a city would Denton be if the kids didn’t have a place to swing?”

Oh I see, so tis better for kids to have a “place” to swing in a benzene laden gas field, than to not swing at all. No surprise that’s the industry’s definition of “responsible.”

I think it’s in the best interests of Denton residents and city officials to look a little further down the road, so in that same vein, I think a more appropriate question might be:

“What kind of a carpet-bombed-place-to-swing city will Denton be, once the last puff of gas has been sucked out, shipped overseas (for another country’s national defense and security), and the industry calls it a day, packs up, and takes their self-professed swing set funding with them?

So awful to think that one day – because all the gas and frac’ers will be gone – the children of the little swinging girl in the yellow shirt, will never know how to swing.


pbolds October 13, 2014 at 2:47 pm

“ill-maintained playground equipment….” Are they serious with that? Come on? Do they really think y’all are that stupid? Just when I thought I couldn’t be shocked by something they would do…the gasholes go off and do something like that….”AND TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES!” wow….just wow.


TXsharon October 13, 2014 at 3:12 pm

During this campaign, they have taken their bullying and poor behavior to new levels.


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