Rep Dennis Bonnen constituents receive letter from Mayor Calvin Tillman

by TXsharon on November 21, 2011

in SB 875

Calvin Tillman, the former mayor of Dish, Texas sent a letter to constituents in Representative Dennis Bonnen’s district informing them about his dirty tricks last session that would have stripped away Texan’s property rights.

You can read the letter HERE.

Bonnen has been found guilty of ethics violations and now he is exposed for his dirty tricks in his pay for play politics.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Tim R November 22, 2011 at 11:38 am

Bonnen has clearly demonstrated he has been bought and paid for. Bonnen has sold the best interests of his District to Industry and should be removed from office. Bonnen does not represent the people in any way shape or form, and he has proven this with his unethical and despicable behavior. He clearly needs to go.


Nick@ApartHotel December 19, 2011 at 2:07 pm

Hello Tim,

It looks like a controversy for me only….



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