Fracking bias – Pennsylvania DEP edition

by TXsharon on August 28, 2013

in hydraulic fracturing, Kevin Begos

Monday my fellow Earthworker Alan Septoff blogged on the biased mainstream fracking debate, featuring the Associated Press and Kevin Begos.

Today, he’s got more, thanks to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection:

As an article published yesterday by State Impact Pennsylvania relates, DEP was trying to exclude mention of a peer-reviewed scientific study that showed there’s good reason to believe that – from a climate perspective – natural gas is dirtier than coal.


It’s no wonder that communities across the country are looking to ban fracking. They can’t get a straight answer on its risks.


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Dory August 28, 2013 at 3:18 pm

Director of Policy at DEP was one Patricia Allan, (she now works for PA Dept of State, you know, arranging all those foreign tours for ambassadors and representatives)

Gee, Allan….allan – does that name seems familair????

patricia allan is also the wife of Richard Allan, now the former DCNR secretary…….

Aside from the “dots” – the attempt to suppress or otherwise manipulate the report should be raising more that a few questions

Between DEP attempted supression and EPA’s omitted results for Dimock – how many other government reports have been supressed, manipulated, not released?

When/if the climate report is ever released, how much of what will be in there is credible, trustworthy and reliable?

How much is NOT in the report?

What was left out?

Who made the decision to leave it out?

Why should we believe anything report?


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