EARTHblog » Lisa Sumi

*In Their Own Words* - the fracking chapstick edition

Lisa Sumi's avatar
By Lisa Sumi

March 12, 2012

This is the second submission of "In Their Own Words"; a series of recordings from a much ballyhooed industry PR conference in Houston where Texas Sharon recorded industry talking about transparency. Despite their constant use of the word "transparent"; these recordings will show an industry that is anything but

In this second post, we hear Anadarko Petroleum discuss/dismiss the use of fracking polyacrylamides.

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Tagged with: psyops, anadarko, brad miller, in their own words, chapstick

Introducing *In Their Own Words*, Post #1: fracking biocides are just bleach

Lisa Sumi's avatar
By Lisa Sumi

February 23, 2012

Today Earthworks is launching In Their Own Words a series of recordings from a much ballyhooed industry PR conference in Houston where Texas Sharon recorded industry talking about transparency. Despite their constant use of the word "transparent" these recordings will show an industry that is anything but. 

In this first post, we hear Anadarko Petroleum discuss/dismiss the use of fracking biocides.

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Tagged with: fracking, psyops, anadarko, brad miller, in their own words, biocides, bleach, gasbags

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Break out the popcorn! @frackfreedenton & ex-@Chesapeake govt relations director @adamphaynes r going at it over #Denton #fracking ban vote.
@JHH__ @JosMirek 27 million! You sure? Got a link?

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