Accepting Applications for 2015 Texas Environmental Excellence Awards


Applications are now being accepted for the 2015 Texas Environmental Excellence Awards, the state's highest environmental honor. These annual awards recognize achievements across Texas that significantly reduce waste, conserve natural resources and prevent pollution.

Winners are honored at an awards banquet, held at the culmination of the agency’s Environmental Trade Fair and Conference, May 5-6, 2015.  

The Texas Environmental Excellence Awards are presented annually by the governor's office and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. A governor's blue ribbon committee identifies outstanding contributions in nine diverse categories. Each year, applicants consist of individuals, communities, companies, or organizations whose bold efforts within the state contribute to the protection of Texas natural resources. Award categories include: Agriculture, Civic/Community, Education, Individual, Innovative Operations/Management, Pollution Prevention, Technical/Technology, Water Conservation and Youth.

Deadline for applications is October 3, 2014. To nominate an exemplary environmental effort for the 2015 awards, apply online.